If You'd Bother To Read...

by Fred

ValVenis replied to Romeopapa in the very first reply and said it was IN THE PROCESS of being readied for business!!!!!!! He also kidded RP that he was keeping it under wraps because it WASN'T completely up and ready for business YET, and that RP had inadvertently brought new attention to the site BEFORE IT WAS READY!!!!!! These things take (a lot) of time, especially if it's a hobby/side job/part time endeavor! Sheesh, people, just be glad there is someone out there who not only shares our off-the-beaten-path enjoyments, but is willing to put time and effort into a dedicated site in order to share it with us!!! I'm sure it will be worth waiting for! In the meantime, hold your horses, be patient, and stop whining and complaining when you don't get "Instant Gratification" with every click of the mouse button!!! Angry

nuff said. rant over...
