ur opinion...

by Tecra

Like or dislikes, positive or negative is

everywhair. 2b or not 2b a nuisance and to

tell it like it is, iz kewl...

Some [eyez] read posts and some don't really care.

Those who preach on a soapbox can say whatever.

Opinions, facts, or fictitious circumstances.

Luvers, haters, and friends, all together as one.

It's an honest opinion that counts!

2b mindful and to take criticism, iz kewl.

A public forum is whair it's at.

2b popular is not the goal, but 2b appreciated:)

Ur comment was filled with descriptive details and

opinions, ino.

A negative comment asks for a response and explanation.

A positive comment usually responds with a "thank you."

Ahh, [but] ur a critic, who tells it like it is?

or do ur [eyez] deceive ur credibility and

seez it way too differently?

[Eyez] read ur post(s), food for thought...

There is always something positive:)

For anyone who post hair, past, present and future,

Tecra thanks you.

To the long gone ones, please return, someday, or another.

To the newbies who lurk, thank you.

LHluvers only, please.

Negative comments made into sarcasm:)
