My 3 cents...

by Anya

Lemme start with: I LOVE Leona, honestly and truly. With that said, it shouldn't be a big surprise that I'm chiming in here.

Bobby, I'm a bit confused as to this statement: "Once she had her little shoot with Anya her stuff really (FOR ME) went downhill."

Um, waddya mean by that? Do you mean perhaps I had an influence into Leona going into 'bad girl' mode? I think anything she & I have done is absolutely beautiful... for example:



Comments like, ""Keep her clothes on", and "Although she has a great body for her age..." can be taken as back handed compliments to any woman. Bringing up age isn't necessarily called for in an NON PERSONAL post. Things like that are taken as little jabs, if you know what I mean. That would kinda be like a woman saying to you, "Sure, our sexual relationship is fine. Your penis may not be as big as my last boyfriend's, or even last as long as his did, but it gets the job done". Or, "Oh heck, I don't miss his washboard abs at all. I love your tummy... it lets everyone know that I keep you well fed, honey!"Catch my drift? And for the record, lol... most of us long haired gals ARE old bizznatches! I don't care what SOME of the better known long haired ladies on here CLAIM their age is... truth is, none of us are spring chickens, though I do believe Marianne & Diane are fairly young (lucky gals!).... but there's a few of us that know what I'm saying! Long hair takes years to grow, hard to stay super young in the process.


Things like: "Why try to be someone she is not when she is so good at what she is??"

You really don't know Leona. This woman is mind blowing in ways you cannot imagine. I believe there's few things she's not good at. You've no idea how hard it is to come to a decision, such as doing hardcore, and then finally give folks what they've been asking for, for years... only to be criticised publicly. Leona just started doing hair jobs on video, give her some time to get more comfortable with it. Criticism like this could hinder the progress of what could become totally amazing.

"But I certainly understand that some do say some harsh things on here. I do suppose feelings do get hurt from time to time."

Absolutely. And most of the time, we can turn the other cheek. But sometimes comments just cut right through you and you ask yourself why you keep putting yourself out there anymore. Trust me, I know.

"If you were in their shoes and you got lets say 25 messages a day all complaints, would that make your life any easier?? "

So this post was to make Leona's life easier???? WTF? Straight Face

"Also, I am not sure what country you are talking from but I am in USA. It sucks but sometimes, you get a lot more accomplished if you have a "public" debate offer issues good or bad then if you take it directly to the source. So again I do AGREE with you that if someone has an issue with what these girls are doing in their videos or on their sites, they should bring it to them in a private area. I just think though if they say it here in a public area, more people will join the band-wagon and voice their opinions as well. Remember this is why the "forum" was created to discuss and compare views."

I'm pretty sure Tom is in the USA I don't agree this is the way to accomplish anything positive. Sure, folks will jump on the bandwagon but not necessarily in a good way. I feel contacting Leona personally... especially when she seldom ever posts here anymore, would have been the best thing. She would have responded to you personally.

"At least we have some action now on the forum rather than bulls**t spam."

I'm sorry, but this sounds like you're just trying to instigate something rather than being a helpful longhair gent looking out for his brothers. Sad

*****Leona, you are so loved by so many! Do whatever makes you happy, babe!!!!!! Kiss Kiss


