RESPONDING TO ALL: Whew, very long!

by Anya Website: All typed out Anya

I'm gonna do my best to answer everyone in this post... ready? Laughing

Tirotron: I've done a braid job before, though braiding my hair myself isn't easy. My mom is really good at braids & very fast, I'd have to ask her to braid for me... I just won't tell her why. Thanks! Kiss

Chris: Costumes! Definitely something I can do! Thank you Kiss

Montana (Stu): Thank you so much! The idea of sharing a cock with Leona is a total turn on, I totally agree. Thing is, neither of us has a man who's willing do to that (or will admit to it). Leona & I love each other very much, and in order to keep that love strong, we don't mess with each other's guy. Using a 3rd guy is a big no-no for both of us. Our SO's would not go for that. Kiss

NM: Scripted is good, thanks! Wavy hair I can do naturally. My hair has a ton of body all its own. I wear it straight 99% of the time to avoid tangles. Shaving cream is a no-go; it's actually very bad for the hair. I appreciate your ideas very much. Kiss

Carhe: Thank you very much! Kiss

Spencer: I'm not sure how much higher quality I can go, aside from going to straight DVD. Some of my videos are 20 to 30 minutes long, and are over 400 MB on the server (each). I offer FLV (2000 kbps), WMV hi (2000 kbps), WMV lo (768 kbps), and IPOD (can't remember the IPOD settings atm). That's close to a Gigabyte that one video alone can take up on the server. I'm not sure where you see a 30 second thing unless it's in my marketing material (as nacho said). Even my blog's clips are around 3 min each. But pics I do have; it's just very time consuming & hard on my eyes. With this tube & that tube nowadays, the internet has turned extremely video oriented & keeping up is mandatory.

Nacho: Thank you, Mr. Hands Free! Kiss

Chris: I'll have to go back & watch some of the videos you mentioned. I do love your ideas, you're always spot on, baby! Kiss

Centerpart: Thank you! That's another do-able idea! Just need to find the right kind of comb for my hair Kiss

R: Yes, a stranger is definitely out the question. I was taught to not talk to or take candy from 'em! I don't mind light bondage stuff, just have to be careful nowadays with new laws that went into effect a while back with the DOJ. Kiss

Werther: Rinsing long hair like mine in the forward manner isn't as easy as it sounds, well, actually the flipping it back over is where things gets really tricky. It all comes down to tangle control. Kiss I need to ask Leona where she gets her combs from. Her combs aren't so tightly 'toothed' & should work well for that. Kiss

M: You had a very long list A couple of things you listed are completely impossible for me: thigh length, light brunette, blonde, golden. However, I do appreciate your ideas Kiss


Bill: Thank you so much! Your suggestions are right up my alley Kiss

Mick J: Thank you! I can do tied up, I just gotta make sure it's done in a way where it's sensual so as to not risk getting in trouble Kiss

chucky: Well, Leona & I do have video from way back when where we shampoo each other's hair, but we didn't threaten each other afterward I'm not sure if she'd go for that. I'm waiting for her to send me the tapes back so I can edit them & get them ready for DVD. *Leona... hint, hint!* Kiss

tresskothick: Thank you! I think your suggestion would be very lovely... I just don't have the dress or ornaments. Where's a good place to look? Kiss

Eggbaconspam: Your nickname makes my tummy growl Tongue Sticking Out What you're suggesting is not impossible. I believe it can done if the hair is wrapped around something long & thin enough that's sturdy enough for insertion without breaking. Wonder if Leona would be up for it? Thank you for responding! Kiss

Bobby: Thank you for your sincere post Innocent Angel What you suggested is possible, however, that would have to be something made for DVD. Because the nature of my site is adult, and caters to fellows who are into other things than long hair: latinas, non small breasts, foot fetish, long nails, petite women, my rapier wit (hehe), etc., I'd have to do that independently of a member's video. It CAN be done, I gotta find a stylist who knows what they're doing & has the time (and not show their face on camera--most folks don't wanna be seen even inadvertently, on an adult page ). Kiss

styleadvisor: Thank you for posting! It can be done as I mentioned to Bobby, for DVD... maybe as a 2 parter? That way if someone doesn't want the adult part of it, they can have just the styling. Kiss

Charliefox: You furry sugar bear, you. I LOVE fur. I know PETA would collectively cringe reading this, but there's nothing so soft as the real thing. Now having said that, I don't know if Leona has any furs. I think I might still have a mink jacket, but it's been so long. If she & I could get a hold of a couple of long fur coats, I'd bet she'd be willing to roll around with me on a bed. Tongue Sticking Out Kiss

indian long hair lover: Thanks for posting! I like your style ideas, but I don't have any pearl pins & clips. Do you know a link to a site for those? Kiss

Dennis: I love bun drops! It feels so awesome to feel the softness 'waterfall' down my back & shoulders. Tongue Sticking Out I'll talk to L about 'dropping' with me, but sharing a man is a no-go. Sad Thank you for your post! Kiss

Hairlover: I absolutely love kissing! The only issue I have (well, it's not 'my' issue) about kissing in video is that in the past, it has upset some of my members. Everyone is different... some guys like watching it, some don't like it because it's "too intimate", some only want POV, etc. Making people is very hard. When I tried making me happy before others (online), it ruffled a few feathers. But I should be happy too, yes? Thank you for posting! Kiss

riha: Thank you for your suggestion! I like the idea of suffocating and strangling (just never thought about doing it for video or for anyone else's pleasure other than my own hehe j/k... maybe). But I do know what you're saying & could possibly do a toned version (sexy dom) of what you suggested. Kiss

gond: As much as I appreciate how pretty those braids are, I know for a fact that I couldn't do that. Aside from the time it takes (it said it took 4 days, 2 stylists, 12 hours a day), I don't think my scalp could withstand the strain it puts on it. I had my hair braided at the top of the head years ago, and it hurt a lot while being done, and REALLY hurt when I took the braids out, my scalp was sore for days. I don't know the ethnicity of the girl in video... I can't tell if she's black or hispanic, but it looks as if she has some really thick hair & a lot of it, to make that many braids. Kiss

Jake: Thank you for posting! Leona & I do have video (not yet on DVD, ahem... Leona! hehe) where we're walking together in public. This was a while back so neither of us have hair as long as it is today. I do believe that we could get some really good footage when she & I do finally get together. Maybe she's reading this post & can/will respond? Kiss

Davester: riha mentioned strangling in his post... I can't believe you didn't respond to that! I strangled you... in public... in Vegas! This is true, folks. Innocent Angel I think you might still have the picture of the assault? Kiss

FB: Thanks for posting! I think Leona might know how to french braid? Perhaps when she's here she'll do that for me Kiss

Maurizio: I'm still working on the translation J/K, I understand what you're saying... some is possible, some is not. Leona & I can share each other, but we can't share a man, or 2 men together. I don't know if the 2 guys would be comfortable with that. But yes, I do have great pleasure playing with, massaging, sucking, kissing the genital male organs. Tongue Sticking Out Kiss

GE: Thank you for posting! I will certainly try. I mentioned before that it's just really time consuming. I know some folks take pics & just throw 'em on a site, but I'm a perfectionist and take time in making things the way I want them. I can get more panned out hair shots Thumbs Up Kiss

Taylor: Hey babe, how you been? Cool Thanks for the suggestion! Do you mean leaving some hair down along my back is what you had in mind? Or all of the hair wrapped around the 'thingy'? Kiss

Phyl: Thank you for your suggestion! I do enjoy shooting POV... but I'm a bit confused about the doggystyle comment. Do you mean, my hair being held while having sex doggystyle, or giving a hairjob while in doggystyle? Kiss

Indian: I very much appreciate your suggestion! However, I don't think I could get 8 inches of hair (or anything else inside of me) Shocked I'm kinda small. Kiss

Mike: Thanks for posting! I used to have BDU's but I don't know if I kept them or not... I might have stored them. Do they make them in teen size? I do love your idea! Embarrassed Kiss

cacophonix: Thanks for your suggestion! BUT, tada! I've already done this in a few videos, in fact, there may even be a sample on my blog (you'll have to scroll through the pages: ) Kiss

Event Horizon: Thank you, dear Innocent Angel And you're right... neither of us are in a position to double up on a guy. I'm not saying that it's impossible to do a video where I'm playing with Leona (I do like going down on her) while Jimmy's playing with me? It can all include long hair, I just don't know how either of them would feel about it. Kiss

hairjob: Thanks for your yummy suggestion Tongue Sticking Out I'll have to think about that one. Few folks know, but I have an issue about liquid dairy products touching my skin. I cringe at the mere thought of milk touching my fingertips. I have no idea why. My sisters think I'm weird. Embarrassed Kiss

wkkm28hair: Thanks for posting, though I do find what you said to be a bit disturbing. I'll explain... shooting for the web isn't like shooting for your own personal viewing between you and your loved one. Things have to be layed out, discussed, lighting has to be set, tripods and backdrops are in the way, pre planned positions are crucial for good shots, things have to moved around to accommodate particular views, etc., All of these have to be taken into consideration when you're going to shoot. I cannot tell you how many times the lights, camera & tripods are moved during shooting. Doing all of this and staying erect every second isn't the easiest thing to do. For me, yes, it's easy, but I don't have a penis. If I DID have a penis, it would be gigantic and would be erect 24/7, but that's a different story. Anyway, after each adjustment of lights & camera, sure, there's going to take a bit of time to get 'ready' again. A little 'fluffing' & teasing and tada! We're good to go! Thumbs Up

The men in my videos, as well as any man I've ever dated, have not been self proclaimed hair fetishists. All of them have loved my hair, and enjoyed the pleasure I could give with it, but they aren't fetishists. And I'm very ok with that.

I tried dating a man who had a long nail fetish. That didn't work out very well. The nails meant too much to him. I want someone to love me in spite of my hair or nails, or whatever other physical attribute comes to mind. I don't want someone to love me BECAUSE of those things. I want be loved as a person before anything.

I understand that what you said wasn't meant to hurt me, but it's so terribly selfish nonethless: "For the real hair fetish men, you doesn't need to warm him up".

Actually, yes I would have to. For the reasons I stated about about shooting in general. Multitasking can affect a man's erection when he's trying to shoot for other people's viewing and not his own.

"So please find some one who has real hair fucking fetish. It will help your video to make every one happy".

Well I'm sure glad everyone else will be happy, but me. By your suggestion, I should pitch Jim off to the side and go find someone who doesn't have to make ME happy, as long as it makes everyone else on the internet happy? Wow, what a fool I've been. Life's so short, why not make everyone else happy, right? Yeah, I'm being facetious here, but your way of thinking is just so messed up in my opinion. Real people don't actually think like that, do they?

I certainly hope someone can assure me that a real, long term relationship isn't based on aesthetics alone.

Anyway, EVERYONE... THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to respond to me. I do so appreciate your input and look forward to making some of your suggestions come to life! Sun

Please forgive any typos, I cannot bring myself to go thru all of my text to fix anything; my 'lil fingers are tired. Innocent Angel


