So I was thinking...

by C.C.

Looking over Vino's post from 8/26, "Grabbing Thick Red Curly Hair" featuring Annie Body.

Now, is it just me or is a woman with LONG (by our definition) CURLY hair damn near impossible to find? By long of course I mean waist length and beyond...

I mean the short haired women to long haired women ratio in this world is bad enough, but LONG curly haired women? I NEVER see it. Sure, I'll see a woman with straight hair down to her butt every now and then, and while that's great, but, CURLY hair like on Annie Body? What is it, different maintenance vs. straight hair? As far as I've experienced, a woman with hair like this is so rare it's like the Hope Diamond or something...

So, am I the only one that thinks this? Discuss...