Okay, Here's A Touchier Survey....

by Hoosier

Okay, here's a "touchier" poll, if you get my meaning....(I'll try to employ as much innuendo as I can to avoid offending the squemish). What was the first object of your Onanistic lust, in which hair was a discernable focus? Or it can be your first remembered involuntary "wet dream", with the same criterion applied. A classmate, the girl next door (pseudonyms or first names, only) or some entertainment celebrity? I'll even go first: Dee Dee Martin, with brunette waves and curls tumbling over her shoulders, Jan Hammock, with a shoulder-length flip (this was 1971, after all....), Maureen McCormick as Marcia Brady and, in 1967, Sophia Loren on the cover of a women's magazine (I still sour libraries and garage sales for that (personal) history-making issue.... Now your turn. Confession is good for the soul....