welcome aboard!

by ninja

Straight Face Don't know what happened to mike, but this is his email: mike@beautyinadvertising.com

And here's some old news he posted at his site:



I'M BACK!!!!!

Hello Friends,

It has been a long time since the last update and I am happy to say that I am back and will begin regular updates.

It has taken some time to get settled and I had a few computer problems to solve but they have been resolved.

I am slowly gathering new material. I will start posting new videos in the coming weeks and more scans.

Contributions as always are most welcome - both scans and videos. I will have FTP access set up shortly so email me if you want me to set up access for you.


January 26, 2002

Hello Friends,

I wanted to let you know what is happening with this site.

As many of you know I have been in-between jobs and cities. Until I am working steadily again I will not be able to update the site. It has been hard finding employment in these tough economic times.

The good news is that I have found employment and now it is just a matter of getting set up again so that I can start regular updates. I also need to get some material together.

So please hang in there. It will probably be another month or so until I will be able to post an update.

Thank you for all your emails of support. I will return just as soon as I can. This site has only been on a temporary hiatus and will return shortly.

Best Regards,

