Re: please help Anya, Penny, Leona, Mari

by Anya

Howdy Laughing

I agree with old street cat; if you compliment a woman's entire beauty, she's apt to accept the compliment without scrutiny.

No woman really wants to think of herself as just 'one thing' to any man, trust me on that.

As far as compliments I've received on my hair, guys (and even women) will say that it's "gorgeous", "beautiful", "wow", stuff like that. Few have dared ask to touch it.

Now along the touching lines, never just reach out and touch a woman, whether it be her hair or anything else. Ya may get yourself hurt and/or arrested.

If you really wanna touch her hair, I think it's best (after you compliment her full beauty) that you say something like: I've never seen hair so beautiful, shiny, healthy, soft looking, (etc., etc., you get my drift) and then ask, may I touch it? Heck even ask her what shampoo/conditioner she uses, that way it doesn't seem like you're totally fixated on her hair alone, and that maybe you'd like to know because you want yours to be 'just as pretty'.

I'm not saying this to aid in being 'sneaky' about the situation, I just understand that it cannot be as simple as blurting out: "I freakin' love your hair, I wanna feel it all over my body!!" That could get you a restraining order.

I just know that not everyone takes compliments very well. I'm one of those people, believe it or not. It's not that I don't appreciate compliments, I do, I just see myself very differently than others and don't always feel 'worthy' of compliments. Weird, I know, but I was raised to take pride in doing a good job & taking care of family... not having, needing, or even wanting to be the prettiest, most fancy dressed, etc. I was the biggest tomboy until around the time I got my drivers license, in fact.

I've written enough here lol I'll go back into the audience now. Embarrassed

