Re: Re: Foxy Anya "Silken pleasure

by LOL

Well, its his/her/thingies optinion not to like anya or her hair, its a boards for all kinds of hairlovers, and alot of people like different things even if they seem to enjoy the same on first view.

Personally i dont like Women like Anya or GG either, because i prefer my long haired ladies dressed and with less make up like others. Marianne for example would be my choice if i would join sites like this, but since long hair is something that should turn me on i wont pay for it, because if i have to pay for things like that its not a turn on anymore...

Therefore i dont pay for sites like that and look at the free pictures sometimes together with my long haired girlfiriends to catch some ideas for real fun maybe.

Thats personal taste, and if people think they have to flame me for that then its their problem, not mine. If others think they need to post my IP because of that thats fine too, it changes anytime i want...

To me long hair is very important, but its not all there is. I have to like the hair (everything below the butt is way to long for my personal taste) and also the person. For example i personally never understood all that hype about Anya. She made some nice, but nude, shots like the ones at the beach wich are still tasteful, but mostly she makes porn. Thats something i personally enjoy at home, but not by looking at other people doing it.

Others here sound like they would enjoy theirself to every kind of long hair, and i am sure if i would post some pics of my neighbour (who plays in a metal band and has his hair below his waste) then some would enjoy themselves to his pics as well... Its a thin line between fetish and obsession...

Alot of long haired ladies said they would never do this or never do that, but sooner or later they changed their mind. Of course its there choice to change their mind anytime they want, but its also business and they know if they cant offer something new they will loose older customers because they get bored.

Even if you dont like my personal opinion i am stil a long hair lover. I might not be the average one for this board, but basically we all like the same thing, only from a different point of view.

And no, i am no cranky jealous woman either, my own hair is a few millimeters only and i surely have a different IP then the one someone else allready posted here... which was kinda childish as well...