Before this post disappears...

by Anya Website: Anya

I'm sorry, but before these posts gets deleted, I gotta say that this 'person' sounds like a woman. I never met a man so viciously 'jealous' over someone they don't know and never met. Men usually aren't this bad. Then again, I've met some homosexual men in my time who could be pretty catty. Kitty Kat

I can disagree with the venom this individual has spewed, but I've no reason to defend myself to an anonymous figure on the majority of what they've said here.

I will say this, however... in the nine years I've been online (9 years this June, thank you), I have NEVER ONCE posted on ANY forum asking anyone to join my site.

Since 1999 I've posted many samples, starting way back in the old NTC days, before a lot of folks were ever aware that there were others out there who shared their similar passions, and I have never asked any to join my site. I believe when you GIVE something away, it is a GIFT.

I've no strings attached to what I give freely. I have never once and never will post anything asking for something from anyone.

I know many, many girls have 'wishlists' on their sites, and I don't mean to offend any that may post here, but to me, that is just WRONG.

I've worked very hard for 9 years and don't ever expect something for nothing, and let me tell you, none of it has come easy or for free. IMO, a wishlist is no better than begging from strangers, and that doesn't fly with me.

I'm not sure where the 'porn star' comes in because that's certainly what I'm not. I have my site redesigned and all of a sudden I'm a porn star? I thought porn stars got paid to have sex with various men on camera? In 9 years, I've shot with 2 different men on my site, the first one my former love, the second my current love. Also, I actually work on my site, create its content, edit, upload, troubleshoot, you name it... I don't just show up for work a couple times a month and get a paycheck like porn stars do. I'm my own hands on employee, thank you, always have been and always will be.

Jim posted earlier because he couldn't believe someone could be so ridiculous in their ranting, he was defending me because he loves me. And to the other fellows who defend me on their own volition, thank you.

Ok, enough said here.

