All 5 senses matter

by HT

All of my senses are stimulated by lovely long hair. Of course SIGHT is the first to come alive but (hopefully) the sense of TOUCH is close behind. Seeing and touching are very powerful with beautiful hair. But like you, I also find that SMELL, SOUND and TASTE can be very erotic as well. Clean hair has a special smell but so does the natural scent of a women - which can be very strong around her neck, shoulders and hair. If you've ever had long hair brushed over your face and ears, then you know there is a sexy wispy sound it makes. And of course, I love the taste and feel of long hair while stimulating her breasts with my tongue. No matter how hard I try, long hair always seems to make it into my mouth. Darn! (smile). So what I'm saying is that you're missing all sorts of pleasure (for her as well) if you don't relish all the senses. I'm sure Anya and Penny would agree.