my rapidshare trick 'works4me'..>&g

by pc

useing a dish network satilite for my internet and

all subscribers have the same, static, ip#,,,

this has caused me to try everything.

most of the time rapid says i'm allready downloading

or wait 69 minutes cause i,,just,,got through.

i,,like you, really wanted a download, one night and after several trys,

the counter,,finally,,started at 2.2 minutes. with that much time to kill

i opened 3 new tabs and got the counters going on them.

1st,,2nd and 3rd failed and [the ones that fail, i get the counter started again]

got the download going on the 4th tab.

even better than that ^

i wanted a 2cd set of joe satriani, one night. i kept on opening tabs and

it took 5 r 6 to get the 1st one started [finally.....]


i didn't stop there. i started pasting the cd2 link, in tabs and

after 3 r 4 trys,,got it started.

i even had 3 downloads going one night and found ennie more than that

the code to type in wouldn't load. [my limit,,3 at a time]

now this takes,,about,,10 to 15 minutes,,BUTT,,it's the 'price' i pay...

one of my friends [private forum] said this didn't work for him

all of the time,,BUTT,,has improved his sucksess rate.

hope it helps you and others.

rapid is aware of the static ip# thingy and after a few dirty letters, replied and told me i could allways[yea,,right]

speekin of joe,,this is his best cd yet [use guys must hair it and i posted a 2cd,,live in sf in 2001,,set the udder day]
