Re: Excuse me?

by UrbanHermit

I've been watching the abuse flying about on this thread in silence, but this really is too much. I think the question "Who the hell are you to..." applies much more to you, Mr Excuses, than it does to pc. Much though I deplore his deliberately illiterate typing style, I've got to hand it to him for maintaining his dignity in the face of so much provocation. Here's a guy who's been getting flak for days on this thread, and he could easily have descended to the level of abuse he's been getting, but all he says is that it's time to chill out. And I think he's perfectly right, and justified.

But all you can do is come back with yet more abuse. So considered and intelligent.

Yes, it's a "bloody forum," and yes, people have a right to speak their minds, but not when it descends to the level of insult and abuse. Let's have a little respect around here.