Re: Re:quality has its PRICE!!!

by Anu

Well, I can see things are getting heated up... everyone blaming each other!! One thing, I dnt know anyone of you personally, but I believe that we are all free to express our views!! If for your ppl the vids are not expensive, then fine!! Go for it, its your money!!!

If for me, the vids are expensive and not worth the price, its my personal opinion... N even tho' I share it, you are free to read it or not and take your own conclusions...

So whatever M. has said was his personal opinion, which I also share!! For those who can afford to pay such prices for such 'quality' then, Im happy for you!!!

I just shared my personal experience after trying a few sites... I found this site the best... its my point of view!! You are free to rate any other site as the best... that's up to u!!! But dn't come and blame ppl if u can't face the truth!! Its so easy to put the blame on someone else right...