sorry bout search >

by pc

we recently change format/style and

in the process we lost the search of older topics..

a small price to pay for all the xxxtras that

the new PCs has to offer..[and i'm not through,,yet,,or,,ever will be]

note about search: i change my search results to the topic and not the post.

[lots of search opptions,,now]

we were getting spammed..worst than hair..

[we have enough mods to keep them deleted,,BUTT,,why make them 'waste' their time]

my new script stopped them all...

again,,i can say,,''there is no spam r flames at PCs''...

you will find lots of suzi and bout ennieboody else if you

go back through the 76 pages at

older than 3 months might have xxxpired rapidshare links,,BUTT,,we love 'sharing' and,,might,,re:upload for newbeez/friends.

[see my andrea clips 4 larry post]

btw: suzi's lezz hair job clip was her best [i take request with promass of payback]


a good xxxample of ''attitude''...[marianne/samantha's got it,,2]