Are you getting pop-ups at sites that shouldn't have pop-ups? Has your home page been hijacked to something like h**p:// ? (Don't go there!) You may have the same trojan that I've just spent 4 or 5 hours getting rid of (I hope). My security settings are stricter than the ones most of you use, and my Windows and antivirus software is updated daily, so if I can get it, you probably can, too. Norton AV does not detect it. Spybot, Ad-Aware, and The Cleaner can't remove it yet. So if your Windows PC is misbehaving, check for files named:
- winshow.dll (could be any of several different places)
- MSupdater.exe (propbably in your start-up menu)
If you find either of these, post a follow-up here, and I'll tell you how to disinfect your machine. It's a lengthy process, so I'm not going to type in the details unless someone needs them.