A Dream come true- My Long hair story

by Leo

This is my real life story which is also posted in the site-

longhairstories.de (Dreams & Fantasies)

Actually iam a bit late to post it here as this incident happened with me arround 2 & half years back but i wasnt aware of this wonderfull Long hair fetish forum.so sorry for the delay guys.

Enjoy my story ........


Since childhood only i had this passion for long hair,i really

admired long hair ladies as thier long,black & thick hair always

attracted me.More than young girls of my age i always found elderly

and married women with long hair much more attractive as here in

Mumbai hardly any girl likes to keep her hair long.Ya but i had seen

few elderly ladies with very long hair either in a huge bun or a

long thick braid.i was bit unusual as regards considering any girl

or lady as beautifull or sexy as i used to see only one feature in

them and that was how long their hair is while other features of

them hardly mattered to me.

The sight of a huge bun or a long thick braid infront of me would

drive me crazy and it would really turn me on but unfortunately i

never knew any such women or a girl with long hair.i had a few

girlfriends but they all had short hair & i missed everything that i

could have done with thier long hair.

My passion for long hair grew as days passed by and until one day

one new family shifted in our building.It was a small family of 3-

husband,wife(Mrs.P) & their small daughter.

So This is my story about Mrs. P who was staying on the next floor

above me and who was very attractive indeed even though she would be

arround 35 years old.she was very tall and had a perfect body and

the most attractive feature for me was her long hair.She always use

to tie her hair in either a tight or loose bun thats what kept me &

others wondering and guessing about the length of her hair becasue i

never saw her in any other hair-style other than bun but i was very

sure of onething that her hair was extra long & very thick thats

what made the bun so big and it was literally killing me day by day.

She sometimes used to come down for a walk in the evening and i was

getting to see her lovely big bun but from a distance and i always

wished that i should get to see her hair from very close and one day

God fullfilled my wish when i was returning home i saw her coming

towards my building from the opposite side.we both entered inside

the building and i was walking just behind her so that i can see her

bun very closely.i wont ever forget that day as i had never seen

such a huge bun from so close till now.I followed her from behind

very closely when we were climbing the stairs so that i can analyse

and study her bun.

Her bun ofcourse was very big and was jet black in colour,it had

many twists and was held by a big clip.The sight of her bun made my

heart-beat faster & my throat went dry.

Now her bun had become a big mystery for me as i wanted to know the

length of her beautifull hair but she never ever use to let it down

may be she was a bit hesitant & shy with showing her true beauty.

But one very fine day when i was standing in my balcony talking on

phone i got to see her in a braid when she was going out somewhere.I

think she was going for some function or wedding may be thats why

she was very well dressed up in a nice Saree with all her make up &

jwellery and her hair in a long thick braid.Finally the day came

when i came to know about the length of her gorgious hair.Her braid

was just below her knees and she was looking really very beautifull

and at the same time very appealing and attractive because of her

long and thick braid.I didnt get to see enough of her braid as she

disapeared very quickly and the sight of that long beautiful hair

made me go crazy and from that day onwards i always felt her wanted

& she became my top most desire.I really could have done anything in

this world to just touch her hair and now i started dreaming of

runing my fingers in her hair and holding her big bun or her long

thick braid in my hands.I started considering her as my perfect

dream lady with very long and beautifull hair,the type of woman i

always wanted for myself.

I was always thinking of several ways of introducing myself to her

untill oneday God himself gave me a brilliant opportunity and a

courier-boy came to my rescue.God bless that Courier-boy where ever

he is.

That day the courier-boy rang my bell,i opened the door and he

said "please give this envelope to Mr.P (Mrs.P's husband) as their

door is locked and iam coming here for the 3rd time and they are not

at home since last few days so you please hand it over to them when

they return."

I accepted it very happily and the Courier-boy took my signature &

thanked me.Actually i should have thanked him for giving me this

wonderfull opportunity.

Two days later Mrs.P and her family returned home and i decided to

go to thier house in the late morning so that Mrs.P only opens the

door and i get to talk to her only and nobody else as she was a

house wife and she used to be at home alone in the morning.I was

feeling very nervous earlier of going there & talking to her but

somehow i gathered all my courage and went up and ranged her

bell.Mrs.P opened the door and my throat went dry & my heart started

beating much faster and my body temperature went up high as soon as

our eyes met.She first looked at me with a big question mark on her

face but i was sure that no doubt she knows who iam as she would

have seen me arround in the society.Somehow how i managed to put a

smile on my face and she smiled back.I said Hello to her & handed

over the courier envelope saying "this is yours,the courier-boy gave

me this few days back and told me to hand it over to you.I think you

were not there at home for few days thats why he gave it to me."

"oh ya we were not here for last 5 days as we had gone to my

mother's place" she replied.

"thats why the courier guy was a bit frustrated,he said iam coming

here for the third time and always find the door locked" I said and

she started laughing.she thanked me and then i smiled back &

said "you are always welcome."when i was about to leave from there

she said wait and asked me my name.i told her my name & she told me

her name and then i took her leave.

This was our first meeting when i talked to her face to face for the

first time but ofcourse it was a very short one and i wanted the

meeting to carry on a bit further but i was satisfied as now atleast

we know each other.

After some days when i was returning home in my Car i saw her

walking with some carry bags in her hand.

I thought of making the most of this another opportunity coming by

my way and i stoped my car just besides her,she looked at me &

recognised me imediately giving me a smile.I asked her if she wants

a lift.she was more than happy to get a lift as it was a very warm &

sunny day and ofcourse she would prefer going home by car instead of

walking with carrying those bags in her hands.I opened the door and

she sat besides me.

I asked her"from where r u coming now?"

"I had just gone to the Bank & then to the Market,had to buy few

things" she replied.

Our building was 5-10 mins away from there by car and on the way we

talked a few things.While talking to her i tried to look into her

eyes most of the time instead of her hair which was tied up in a big

bun today as usual.Ofcourse i would have just loved to look at her

bun from so near but then it wouldnt have looked good i staring at

her hair when she's sitting besides me.

We reached our building & by now we she had become very friendly

with me and she thanked me for the lift. I parked the Car and then

helped her in carrying her bags to her flat. She opened the door of

her flat with the key and then welcomed me inside.

"No its ok,i will leave now."I said just as a formality because

actually i wanted to stay there wanting to spend some more time with


She said"No you cant go like this,you are coming at my place for the

first time so please have a sit and tell me what will you like to

have Coffee,Tea or some cold drink?"

"Well i will have a Coffee"i replied.

"Ok.you just sit comfortably i will be right back in just 5

mins."she said.

I was reading the newspaper which was there on the table near thier

sofa till then she came with two mugs of hot Coffee.She kept the

Coffee in front of me on the table and asked me "So you like


"Ya very much"i replied back.Then we talked many things about each

other while drinking Coffee and i came to know few things about

her.Her husband was a Manager in a good Company and her daughter was

in 5th Std and Mrs.P used to be at home alone till the aftrenoon.I

very much wanted to talk about her gorgious long hair and just

wanted to tell her how much do i love them but i didnt had that much

courage as she would have minded it.I thanked her for the Coffee and

said" I just love Coffee & your Coffee was really too good."

Suddenly she was appearing to be a bit disturbed with her bun as she

was checking it again and again by her hands,may be i think because

it was getting lose.After some 5-10 mins when we were talking,now

she was very much uncomfortable and before her bun gets lose and

opens infornt of me she said

"excuse me i will be right back." she came back with her hair nicely

tied up in a tight bun.Although i knew for what she went inside i

asked her purposely "what happed suddenly?"as i desperatly wanted to

talk about her hair.

"Nothing just went to tie my hair"she answered back honestly.

"So what was the need to go inside to tie up your hair,you could

have done it hear only"i said with a smile.

"No,its ok.let it be" she replied very shyly.

I decided not to get back now,as i somehow gathered all my courage &

asked her "do you always tie your hair up like this only in a

bun?"she was very much surprised with my this question i think as

she never expected anything like this from me.

"Ya,most of the time"she said."why?it doesnt look good or what?"she

asked me.

"No,nothing like that.it looks simply great."I answered.I wanted to

carry on telling her how great it looks and what its doing to me

from last few days but then somehow i controled myself.

"How long is your hair?" i asked her.

"Its long,very long" she replied.

"Good.Women with long hair really look very beautifull,long hair

stands out as an asset for them"I said.

"Ya even i like keeping long hairs since childhood only but its very

difficult to maintain them."she replied.

"Whatever it is but you look good in this hairstyle and your bun

appears to be so big."I said

"How long is your hair exactly?Can i get to see them?"i asked her

politely.Talking about her hair was giving me an errection and i

still wonder from where i got all this strength to talk to her so

openly about her hair.

she was a bit hesitant and asked me " why do u want to see my hair?"

"just because it will be a real sight to see as iam sure you have

very long hair"i somehow managed to give her an answer.

"Ok then."she said after keeping me waiting for sometime.She stood

up and removed the pin.The twists in her bun started to roll down

slowly and within a moment her hair was lose open reaching almost

her calfs.I was thrilled and speach less seeing her so long and sexy


Iam really out of words to describe that moment when i saw her for

the first time undoing her big bun in front of me.I wished i had a

camera to capture that moment,but really camera was a small thing

when she herself was there infront of me standing so near with her

hair left open for me.

She turned to me and smiled raising her eyebrows as if asking me

hows it?i was still spechless and seriously wondering that all this

is happening to me in real or is it only a dream.

"Wow,you really have the most beautifull hair i have ever seen,even

its so long and thick.i have never seen such long & thick hair ever

before"i said.Now it was seriously very difficult for me to control

my errection.

Now i came to know why she always ties her hair up in bun because

her hair had so much sex appeal that leaving it open would really

make people go crazy for her.

"I wonder why do you always tie your hair up in a bun because you

really look great with your long hair let down lose and open,it

really suits you very well."I said trying to take things forward.

"Thank you very much for the compliment."she replied back.

I went behind her to get a proper view of her long hair from very

near and as soon as i was going to touch her hair she got back and

quickly tied up her hair again into a bun and said"i think we talked

enough about my hair,i have to get back to my work now."i was a bit

disappointed but i knew that its difficult now to get a second

opportunity so i asked her "can i comb your hair?"

She was surprised again and she kept quite for a moment.

"Your hair is so long & thick and it appears to be very silky & soft

thats why i feel like touching & combing them."I said to somehow

defend my part.

"Iam sorry not now,my daughter will be coming from her school now

and i have to prepare the lunch also yet."she said.

"Its ok,you need not be sorry for that." I replied.

"It seems you have really liked my hair very much"she asked.

"What do i say about your lovely hair.Your hair is so long,thick &

silky and its ofcourse the most beautiful hair i have ever seen."I


"And i have never seen a long hair lover like you"she said.

"Ya i really love long hair a lot,infact i just dream of playing

with them or combing them"I said.

"Oh thats great,then you can help me to comb my hair after i wash &

dry them because its really very difficult to manage such long

hair"She said.

"Ya ofcourse,it will be my pleasure."I said as i couldnt have asked

for anything more.

"Ok then why dont you come tommorow because as it is iam going to

wash my hair tommorow."she asked me.

"Fine i will be there then tommorow at your service"I replied.

"Ok then see u tommorow morning"She said and i left from there.

I couldnt sleep that night as i was thinking about the things that

were going to happen the next morning,and really as i was dreaming

it turned out to be the most amazing and unforgetable day of my life.

I reached her house by morning 9:30 as told by her and she welcomed

me inside.She had already washed her hair and her hair was raped up

in a towel which was strugling to somehow hold such long and thick


"You are looking absolutely wonderfull today"I complemented her.

"Thank You.what will u have?" she asked me.

"No Thanks.i wont have anything"I said as i was in a hurry today and

i think even she could hardly wait.

She took off the towel & threw it on the bed and her hair was

looking even much sexier today as they were a bit wet.She started to

dry her hair with running her fingers in it.

My Penis started to go up by seeing all this and i went behind her

directly and touched her hair.I started running my fingers in her

hair which was very silky and thick.Even she appeared to be enjoying

it and was responding very positively with my every touch.By now i

was completly lost in her hair and i asked her "Can i comb your hair


"Ok the comb is over there but comb carefully and a bit slowly

because after wash they have become a bit rough with few tangles in

between."she replied.

"You dont worry,i will be carefull as iam very good with it"I said

and started combing her hair."Actually the thing is that i myself

really love it when anybody combs my hair or plays with it."she said.

"Its my pleasure i said,even i really like playing with long hair

and i always feel like brushing and combing them and if the hair is

as long and thick as yours its double the fun."I said.

She probably didnt knew that i was enjoying it much more than her

and i was waiting lifetime for this moment,it was really dream come


I just wanted to cherish this moment as i knew i wont get such a

life time opporutnity again,i combed her hair right from the top to

bottom slowly slowly and played with her long hair for about 15-20


I then asked her "can i comb your hair forward with your hair on

your face?"

she could hardly say no as she was lost in a different world with

enjoying each and everything i was doing with her hair.i asked her

to bend a bit forward and i took all her hair forward on to her

face.It was such a great feeling which i cant describe holding her

hair and then combing her hair forward.

I requested her to lift her head up and to throw her hair backwards

within a flash,she did it perfectly and with that flash backward her

hair made almost a circle with the Radius of the length of her hair

which was about 5 1/2 feet long.By now even she was enjoying and

again i gathered all her hair infront on her face.Her hair almost

touched the ground when put forward,by now my Penis had become

sticky and was very hard & errect which even she could make out.

Her face was covered with her long,thick and jet black hair and i

was combing it forward.I threw the comb and started to run my

fingers in her hair to get the soft feeling.her hair was so silky

and soft that i was not willing to take my hands of it.

"Oh you are really very good at it,iam really loving it"she

whispered. Again it was a really very erotic sight for me as her

entire front body was covered by her long hair now because thats how

i combed her hair and now i lost my control and i started kissing

her face covered by her hair.Her hair was smelling great and i

kissed her hair which was all over her face.i gathered all her hair

from bottom by my right hand and pulled her towards me and held her

by my left hand,she started responding positively and hugged me


My Lips were really thirsty to find her lips,and just when i was

about to smooch her she stoped me & gave me a strong push and i got

back to see the most erotic and most unforgettbale invitation ever.

She again with a flash lifted her head and threw all her hair

backwards and with a hunger in her eyes she called me towards hers

with a gesture by her hand,i could hardly wait anymore and hugged

her tightly and we started kissing and smooching.My both the hands

were in her hair and she was sucking my lips passionatly.I was

really feeling as if iam in heaven and i couldnt ask for anything

more.I then started kissing her all over her face & body.I put my

hands on her breast and her boobs were big enough and had become

hard now with my touch as i started pressing them.

I started undressing her and directly put my fingers inside her

Vagina,i quickly located her G-spot and she was lost in deep

pleasure and started moaning after some time.I then started pressing

and sucking her boobs now with my one hand in her hair.She was well

arroused by now and her hands went inside my trousers searching for

my penis while kissing me and sucking my lips.

"You are really too good in these things,it seems you are very well

experienced in all this.Anyways now its my turn to give you some

pleasure."She started undressing me and pulled out my juicy and

errect Penis.She appeared to be a bit happy after seeing my penis

and said"Oh its quite long & thick."

"Its like your hair only,very long and thick"I replied and we both

started laughing.She then started stroking my Penis with her hands

and i was trying to play with her hair in the mean time.Within a few

seconds when i was on verge of ejaculating i stoped her as i didnt

wanted the party to get over so soon.

She took me to her bedroom & again hugged me tightly and again we

started kissing each other.

I gathered all her hair and tried to make a bun of it but i couldnt

make a proper bun so she tought me how to make it in a proper

manner.Her hair was doing too much to me and now it was really

difficult to handle and i straight away climbed on to her and parked

my cark inside her garage.With my Penis parked inside her Vagina i

was fondling with her breasts and sucking them again and started to

move forward-backward with my hands in her hair.My pennis was

already very well lubricated and i could have climaxed anytime but i

decided to go for it slowly as i wanted to enjoy each & every

moment.We both were enjoying the pleasure and she started moaning

heavily when i increased my speed,suddenly her moaning turned into

screaming as she started screaming loudly in pleasure and she

climaxed hughing me tightly.

I decided to withdraw as i wanted to fuck her in a different

position with i being down and she sitting on me and at the same

time her long hair infront of me dancing on my chest.

As if she read my mind and she must have come to know that i like to

fuck women with long hair and only because of thier long hair and

how much it arrouses me.She pushed me down and i fell on to the

bed,she came and sat on my thighs and opened her bun and sent her

heavy hair mass cascading down on my legs.She started teasing me

with her silky hair by running them everywhere on my body which was

really a great feeling.I then pulled her towards me with her hair

and then started kissing her and sucking her lips passionately.I

coudnt wait anymore as she made me fully arroused now by running her

long sily hair on my naked body.I put my pennis inside her vagina

again and she started to go up & down with her hair coming down on

her face again and again which was really making me crazy and i

started lifting her up & down even faster now.This was what i always

dreamt of and fantasised about Mrs.P that i fucking her with her

long hair on her face and dancing on my chest.I grabed her hair and

started to pull her towards me,my mouth found her nipples and i

started sucking them she suddenly lifted her head jurkily which sent

all her hair backwards again.

She started tieing a bun and i told her not to do that as i wanted

to fuck her with her hair loose but she said"Dont worry dear iam

tying it loose so that it may again come down due to the action"

"Oh you are so good in all this,it will be really sexy indeed" I


I held her bun with both my hands and made it much loose because it

was really impossible to wait anymore now,our speed increased and i

was lost in deep pleasure which i had never experienced earlier.

She started moving up & down again which was making her heavy bun

jump up & down too and it started to open now.Slowly slowly all her

long hair came down like soft silk and her entire body was covered

by a black blanket of her hair.Her hair was too long and thick to

stay back and when she bent a bit her hair again came forward on to

her face.I was on the verge of expoding and she started moving her

head right & left which sent her hair flowing everywhere on my body

and the feeling was so errotic that we started moving together

faster and she climaxed again with heavy moaning & withing seconds i

ejaculated inside her,with my one hand grabing her hair & another

pressing her boobs at the same time.Suddenly my heart beat rate was

faster,our body temperatue was so high that we were sweating.We lied

on the bed after we both climaxed together kissing each other.

It was the best ever orgasm i ever had and the feeling was so great

that i cant write it down here in words.She hugged me again

saying"You are a real Genius,I love you for this".I was playing with

her hair only and said "your this amazing hair which is the most

precious deisre of anyone makes me such a genius and i love you too

for your hair."

We were just lieing on the bed and talking for about 10-15 mins

after i made her get up and took the comb and started combing her

hair again.She asked me " what are you doing now?"

"Nothing just combing your hair as i dont feel like keeping my hands

of it,they are so wonderful and the feeling after touching them is

really so good that cant be described."I said

I then made a braid of her hair which i always dreamt of.i never

imagined that my this dream of making such a long braid will come

true anyday.

She seemed very happy with the braid and thanked me by kissing me

and said "You should have been a hair dresser actually"

We then sat and started talking and decided that i would come to her

house again on Monday morning when she's alone at home.I then took

her leave and went back home desperately waiting for Monday morning

to come.That day was really the most unforgetable day of my life and

no doubt it was the best ever day in my whole life as what i always

dreamt of happened with me and my dream had come true.

Now i am enjoying a good physical relationship with Mrs.P and all

this is going on since last 8 months.We give each other pleasures in

different manners and satisfy each other whenever we feel like doing


She tought me many things like a teacher both sexualy also & also

the things related to her hair.We tried many hairstyles on her and

she feels that iam the biggest & best long hair lover in the world.

I dont know where to end this as iam deeply in love with Mrs.P and

her hair.That Monday morning was even much better as i got to do

much more things with her lovely hair,my each & every long hair

encounter is getting better & better day by day as we get to know

each other very well.

I wanted to continue the story further as what happend on Monday &

the days after that but dont get time these days to write it

down,but if everyone of you like my this story & appreciate my this

effort then i would definetly continue this story with a 2nd Part

whenever i get time.

For comments write me on - leo_salil20@...

Long hair ladies specialy aunties(from Mumbai) are always welcome to

contact me as i would love to play with thier long hair.I will

provide these services absolutely free of cost.

my chat id is leo_salil20.

Take care

With Love
