Continued from Sept

by HT


As the others have said, this is the first time for this photo. Thanks AGAIN for making the world more beautiful - this time with you sense of caring.

Back in Sept, you asked for my email address in the below note. My reply follows below as well.

Since I am a university professor, I am facinated with your drive to seek more education. My comments from Sept 19 are even more meaningful now.

You truly deserve a life companion who will love you when your physical beauty is gone - because then, the real lovely lady will remain and only then will you know what real love is all about. I hope your path leads you to such a man.

With deepest respect - HT


Sep 18 (from you)

Wanted to say thank you for your comments, they're quite the encouragement in my attempt to get my hair to my ankles (or beyond, who knows right now).

--HT, I need your email address, if you could send it to me, please?

I'll post something again soon. Everyone take care and..........GO TEXANS! (don't laugh, they're still new! they'll get there!)




Sept 19 (from me)


My heart stopped when I read this note. Why such a lovely lady would want to contact me direct? It's like receiving a call from the President. My email is

and I have another if that's too public .

Clearly, you have a "following" here and all over the www. I just hope you've been able to find genuine love for you - the person. Not the physical you, but the lady inside who deserves a gentleman who loves you, really loves YOU [not for your magnificant hair and body] but - at the end of the day - will cherish you when your hair is gray and maturity has added to your beauty, not taken it away.

With adoration and deep respect - always.