ok...hair's a lil 1

by pc

4 second clip,,implanted hair


please!!!!!! you post 1 for us ,, 1st

[good...u changed frum lurker2poster...now,,change frum poster2one,,that cares2share][repost,,with cummints,, r ''ok'' by me][this is a forum,,not a board,,uno]

tlhws.com/showAll.php just updated


tlhws.com/PCsLongHairForum [search ''ange'']

i'm sorry,,yawl/mods...just,,2 many request,,hair..[lack of partisipation]

we don't have this problemo at PCs and i never could get used2it,,hair...

for those who didn't understand a dam thing i said

(((((((((((((((((((POST LONGHAIR,,,HAIR))))))))))))))))))))))
