Re: Newbie from England

by Charlotte

Woooooooow! You guys are friendly! Nearly 30 emails in the last couple of hours! lol

I do appreciate the attention - what girl in her right mind wouldn't? - but it's going to take me a while to get back to everyone! So please please don't feel offended if you don't get a reply for a while. I have a busy weekend, but I'll start working my through them next week I promise! : )

In the meantime... a lot of you have asked the same questions, so I'll answer a few of them here...

* I'm 22 (just)

* I'm based in Essex, but spend most of my time in London due to work.

* My hair colour is chestnut brown with very thin natural blonde streaks. It looks more blonde or brown depending on the time of year (darker in the winter). It has a slight reddy tint, which means that if I try to dye it light blonde it goes a ginger colour - made that mistake once! In the past I've also had it blue, black, purple, deep red, white-blonde, ginger (unintentionally) and dark brown. It looks best natural though and I plan on keeping it that way now.

* Its texture is very soft and silky to touch and fine like silk. If I don't tie it up then I have a habit of sitting there stroking it if I'm concentrating on something, which I've been told can be damaging due to the oils in your skin (?)

* Several of you were suprised at a girl liking her own hair and asked why I personally like mine. I feel a bit egotistical talking about it, so perhaps other women feel the same way and that's why it's rare to hear a woman say she loves her hair. Plus us women tend to moan a lot about what we DON'T like rather than concentrate on the good things! We're a miserable lot! : D

There are several reasons I like my hair.

Firstly, I had quite a traditional and religious childhood and although I wouldn't say I'm all that religious now, I guess some of the values stuck with me. One being that women should keep their hair long and should be proud of it. I remember reading a line in the bible (I had a basic Christian upbringing) that said long hair was a woman's treasure or something like that. The women in my family all have longish hair (my mother is 49 and still keeps hers past her shoulders) and it just seems natural to me.

I'm also quite classical and arty and my parents had lots of paintings and old books in the house full of pictures of rennaissance style women with long braided or loose hair down to their waist. So I grew up thinking this was how women should look. I hate all the modern choppy styles in fashion now and I don't think they look that great on anyone. It seems that women these days want to look like boys - or the fashion industry want us to. If you have really thin hair then fair enough, but so many of my friends have gorgeous thick hair and they have it cut insanely short and it never looks good!

I also love the feel of my hair. My idea of 'perfect' hair would be silky, thick, brunette ringlets down to the waist or longer. I've never actually seen proper ringlets in real life, only in paintings or on wigs, but they always looked amazing to me. If the hair was silky enough then the curls would catch the light and make it look really glossy. When I had very long hair, the last 4-5 inches would curl into ringlets after I washed it and it always fascinated me. I would sit there pulling them straight, just to watch them curl up again. I would love to grow my hair out and have the whole lot put into ringlets for the day. It sounds stupid, but I would feel like a million dollars!

Lastly, I remember a guy I dated very briefly in highschool telling me he loved the smell of a girl's hair as it captured all of their natural scent. In retrospect I'm sure he had a hair fetish as he always wanted to brush my hair after I washed it and he could tell immediately if I used a different shampoo or conditioner! But he pointed out to me that a woman's hair supposedly showed how healthy and fertile she was and so great hair made a girl really sexy as it showed she had good genes. I stupidly let the hairdresser cut my hair short a few months after we broke up, but that stuck at the back of my mind. Modern society ignores a lot of the things that humans are designed to base attraction on like natural scent, curves, hair, etc and we try to change or cover up these things because they are viewed as unimportant or unfashionable. That's what comes to mind when I try to understand a hair fetish anyway. I know I can be immediately turned on or off by a guy's natural scent - and I don't mean whether or not they smell 'nice', just whether or not they smell 'right' to me. Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt could walk into the room and if they didn't smell right, I wouldn't be attracted to them. So maybe long hair is a bit like that? It's a basic biological signal as to whether a woman is a good catch. That's just a guess though. Feel free to correct me.

I'm sure you all have your own reasons for finding long hair sexy and I would be interested to hear them. I've never heard of a hair fetish before today, so I'd like to know exactly what it is that guys find attractive about a woman's hair. Are certain colours/styles/textures better than others? Do you just like looking at long hair or would you want to get involved in the whole routine of taking care of it - brushing, washing, etc?

I hope that's cleared up a few things to begin with and I will try to answer everyone's email asap.