Hey, pc....

by UrbanHermit

....I know what a stalwart of the virtual long hair community you are. I've been around since NTC too, even if I was only a lurker in those days. I also agree that this forum has seen better days (shame!), and I know your forum is in much better shape.


I need to tell you why I don't visit there very often.

1) Too heavily weighted towards porn for my taste.

2) Hardly any chat or discussion. I know some people think this sort of stuff is a waste of time, but I like a bit of chat now and again. The word "forum" means a place for discussion, not just a picture / clip sharing site.

3) A very high proportion of the postings there are just links to big downloads, usually from Rapidshare. Even if I were a Rapidshare subscriber, which I'm not, life is just too short to spend on endless downloads. And if you cut that kind of post out, there's not a lot left on your forum.

OK, now you can tell me how wrong I am!