did he say ''priceless''? [quizzz>

by pc

[[ram/alhl,,see u-tubes 4 kisko..hair's 1 ov'm



gr8 pix,,,pope...ty...

it will be like i know them,,when i cum.

ask them to tell us ''why longhair?''...

side~tracked [easyly]

here is some answers to that question.

see if you can guess who said each one..

[we,,all,,know them]

''i have just always loved having longhair, my father had my hair long, when i was a child and the one time i cut it he was very upset and just told myself i would never cut it short again''

''it was a mix of everything. I liked it long, rebellion against my mom, to safe money on the hairdresser, pure lazyness''

''My family is POlish and when I was finally ALLOWED to grow it as a child I let it grow and

grow and grow.. then I was NOT allowed to cut it due to the length... these days I can make the decisions

so I guess I ahve been toying with the idea cause I can?

it was due to it being so thin and ratty asa child mum kept it short to thicken it up a bit.''
