2 pic hosts that hotlink hair >

by pc

r u tired of these [redXboxxxes]

it seems imgspot is deleting our pix.

remove link frum favs,,,,,,done.....

hair's 2 host that will hotlink,,hair,,ass of now,,BUTT,,subject to change.


for PCs,,get/copy ''Forum Code''

for ninja's get ''Direct Linking Code''

unlezz u want to show the world,,make sure the ''keep private'' box is checked.


i prefur this one


u can upload ass mennie ass u want, up2 2mbs, at on time.

the thang hair,,is,,you have to get the link/links that say

''Show picture to friends via instant messenger or email:''

it will look like


see where it says,,,,,,,,,,,,^view? you have to change that to 'uploads' like


this will hotlink the pic. with out it it will take you to the pics page. [ads]

hairs the pic [isn't she beautiful.?.]

and hair's the cum frum [zip set]



Joined: 28 Mar 2007

Posts: (((((69)))))

Location: SFBayArea


[newbeez,,click ''PCsLongHairForum Forum Index'' and register if u want to post/reply]

neither one of those host puts the pic in your temp files.

in udder words

pics have to load each time you view the post.

no big deal...eyez and/r pc saved'm,,the 1st time.

is a big deal,,IF,,some one replies to a post,,at PCs,,that,,allready,,has lots of pix and adds more.

[PCs posters know what i mean]

yes,,my forum has a pic [and clip] host,,BUTT,,it is not dial-up friendly.

[pics stop loading b4 done,,BUTT,,my host is working on it...stay tooned]

sorry,,high-speeders..''surfer friendly'' is,,still,,''dial-up friendly''....

please limit your pic size to lezz than 200kbs and not 20 of them in one post...lol...thanks...

[who am i,,to ask this of you? noboody,,hair....juzz,,my ¢¢]
