uploadin pix,,to show hair

by pc

uncle,,we/i learn frum friends at forums and we all benifit:


go to this page ^, hair and click the ''browse'' box.

find the file you want to upload, select it and click open.

now,,click ''host it'' and wait 4 it 2 upload.

on the next page,,copy the link that says ''Your Image URL'' and

paste it in your notes4post.

note: 2 post them at PCs get the ''Your Image in BBCode'' link..

note2: 2 add/upload more pix,,re:pete above

these anna pix r in a zip i posted..222pix,,total...m m mmm

speekin of ''e z'',,i haven't 'seen' him cents diane's chat, a month ago...hummm...


lotta phun,,BUTT,,careful where u click..stick to lol pix...

[watch bottom address bar when you point]

phun.org/ pix don't hotlink,,hair..