56k is not ennie problemo

by pc

ass eye

was saying

''56k is not ennie problemo''

on the 4 part clip you posted [at rapid]


had it [all 256mbs] been posted ass 1 upload [at mega]

no way could i have gotten it.

[pc has his own,,separate,,phone line...allways connected]

when i go to bed/work my putor [and i] keeps thinkin 'longhair' and

is up r downloadin sumptin.

100mb frum rapid/enniewhar loads in ,about, 5 hours.

in 2 days i could/will get that clip...thanks,,max...

now,,power failures and dissconnects and

ennie pix,,this size,,is a problemo


the zip's,,not..

[not,,just,,ennie ol bd present frum chico 4 pc..he's lovin ur dancer clips...thanks frum him/me]

[those loaded in 5 minutes[[preboo]] while i typed out the post...you learn 'shortcuts']



max,,you,,might wanna check out that ^ host...pix, that hotlink and clip at same place.

i like host that the pic doesn't have to reload each time you click/review it..

this host is not setting a cookie,,r,,sumptin..

ennie body hair [m m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmibetsparkswoodflyifitouchedthosewithmytoungemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm] c me?
