uploading pictures to hair >

by pc

1st,,you heve to register at my forum. [real e-mail not needed]

it's quick and easy

[don't surf there,,yet..we've something to do,,1st]


ez,,huh.?.ok,,now,,click this


browse your putor and find the pic. [up to 3 at a time]

select the pic,,click open.

2 options,,hair:

if you think the pic is worthy to be in an album at tlhws,,then,,i do.

tell us about it, in the box, r say ''frum rollnbone'' and

click upload.

if you don't want it at tlhws,,then,,change the yes to no. ur call..

wait for it to upload,,then,,the page will open with your link2pic.

for ninja's forum,,get the top/direct link.


for PCs forum,,get the second one that looks like


this ^ pic,,hair>

was took by gary c.

he was the 1st to start a msn group

and one of my bestest friends,,4 years..

[he may have stopped posting,,BUTT,,we stay in touch]

hope2c ur pix zoon.


