vlc and imagegrabber [prebooz]

by pc

i never was good with codecs.

never learned 2 install them.

this player, that luckydog mentioned, is the best,,4me.

[u might can 'lighten',,never tryed/looked]

vlc movie player 12mbs


when ur watchin a clip, click vidio and

choose snapshot,,at the right time.[i use slow motion, x2...lol...]

the snap/cap will go to your ''my pictures'' folder, in documents.

you can move it,,when/where ever.


the snaps are 3 x 4 in. and blurred by motion and

they are 300kb pgn files.

with my ulead photo program i convert them into .jpg's.

that makes'm 12kb...same blurred quality...lol...

[wow...that must be what high-speed feels like,,upload'n,,on regular pix]

to make multi prebooz [link frum tecra..i use the 1st grabber]

it's not a program..u,,just,,open it and use it. [it's in my start options, now]


this 5x5 [can be set to whatever in options] is 150mbs

julie190mbs[repo xxxcept4prebooz]]



when u get both,,the 1st one unzips the HOLE movie

