lifelong dream fulfilled

by arx

Hey guys,

just wanted to share my yesterday's experience, as you're the only place where I can really share this

I met this woman on the net.. she's in her late 20's and has a super-long, very fine hair going almost to her ankles. We exchanged messages for a while and then met yesterday. Even though it was in a public cafe, we were sitting in a quite isolated area... I had no idea that she was planning to do what she did after some time (and quite frankly, even didn't expect her to do it so there was no pressure and no expectation from my end), but after a while, she undid her massive bun and the hair fell all the way to my lap and then down to the ground..... Man, I played with it for at least an hour, with this super-silky, super-fine, super-healthy and super-long hair I didn't even know that women wear.. It felt incredible on my hand, much silkier than silk actually is!! May be it was because it was so fine (I have no idea how she can grow it so long when it's so fine, but that's her magic, I guess). Then she stood up, let her hair fall down to her ankles and let me brush it carefullly... at which point I thought I'd really explode.. after brushing, the hair felt almost like a wind on the skin, this soft it was.....

We had to part later on.. she's from a city far away... but looks like she's as much looking for our next meeting in about 2 weeks as I am.. and there'll be more hair play coming up...

Wellllll...... I always dreamed of playing with almost floor-long hair and the dream came true yesterday...... and even though there wasn't and won't be the "other" hair play with her, I feel very very happy and lucky.. so if you guys also have those dreams and just like me think it couldn't ever happen, just wait.. it'll come one day

