Re: American Idol Clip


Thank you for the clip, but it is much too short. I was at work, so I was not able to concentrate on the segment about the extremely long-haired contestant as much as I would have liked, but I know that the segment went on for a good five minutes, and that it included an interview with the contestant about her hair. In the interview, she said something to the effect that her hair was so long that she sometimes stepped on it. I’d love to know exactly what she said. When she entered the audition room, the reaction of Randy was priceless. He said something to the effect of how incredible her hair was, and asked her to turn around so it could be seen in full. Of course, she complied, which is what is seen in the clip. I’d love to know exactly what Randy said. Somewhere out there, there has to be someone who was able to concentrate on the segment and could provide details about it. I’d also love more clips, if possible. My guess is that if she had during the audition done something with her hair to impress Randy, instead of just standing there, she would have been given the nod to go to Hollywood, and we would be seeing more of her.