Re: Your Last Dream About Long Hair

by hairarousal Website: Wyld Hypnotica sex hypnosis

Oh cum on you guys. THIS is a long hair dream... OK, I'm like on some kind of army base, there are barrels and boxes and camo sheets covering stuff. There's a few women checking out supplies and inventory, and one of them has a huge brown bun behind her hat. Her hair is not very clean, and I can smell her hair in the dream. She pulls the pins out of her bun and it unfurls down her back. She asks me what she can do with all this long hair. Then, there is a mortar barage, and we duck for cover under one of the camo sheets. She's face down and I'm on top of her and I can feel her hair in my face and on my chest( which is suddenly, without explanation, bare - this IS a dream right?) Her hair is sticking to my skin, we are both dirty and I realise that we are making love, kinda doggy style. It is very exciting and arousing to be having sex when we could get blown up any moment. Then, gosh darn it, I wake up.