Dear Anrid,
Thank you for taking the time to share your story and how closely you have been affected by BC.
The fear never leaves I don't think. I know My mum had it for three years after her original mastectomy. I was mad afterwards as there was no follow up even though during surgery they found traces of cancer having spread to her lymph glands. There was ONE treatment of Kemo and they basically fobbed her off as if she was cured.
It wasn't until she had a minor fall with my dad of THAT BIKE in my pics, that she later had a lot of pain still months later.
Our GP fobbed it off again and MUM herself demanded a bone scan..... she was then diagnosed with bone cancer. Soon after liver, ovaian and lung to go with the rest.
It was so hard keeping her spirits up as we watched her battle it out over the next 2 years. Three more Kemo treatments and 2 radiation. In the end she was in and out of hospital but always came home after a hard hit at it.
One day she didn't and that was the end. No warning, nothing that were not used to she just slipped in and out of conciousness and we then slowly watched her die over 48hrs. THE WORST TIME OF MY LIFE!! (esp as I I had 2 years prior watched my nan do EXACTLY the same thing with liver cancer and it was like de ja viou... I knew what was coming which was the worst!!)
It has been a long and hard battle dealing with my greif and I still struggle today!!
This is what took me to e-bay to start my charity work and I ended up at LHP. I have had a blast since and it is helping my greif knowing that my har which she lost twice has helped her out someway. She LOVED my hair and I LOVED her playing with it.
I miss her doing just that so much you have no idea.
Breast cancer is a B#@*h of a disease and I wish to end all suffering from it. I kow there are a lot of horrible things in the world that effect people but if I can make a decent contribution to at least one.... I feel I have had some purpose with my own health and my own life!!
Thank you again for sharing and kiss your wife everyday telling her how much you LOVE her!!!
Kind regards,
Mandy LHP