Hello Stu,
Thank you for your very nice words. I hope to keep providing quality long hair content for everyone for a long time.
As far as posting my content, to keep it simple for everyone, ask me first. Here is my email address leona@longhairdivas.com.
Since you asked, Stu, YOU do have my permission to post the same photo of me that you posted at The Long Hair Club. I love that photo set, it is one of my favorites.
Again, ya'll just ask me first, and there will be no problems.
Oh, and Stu, don't worry about the Nay Sayers... I'm pretty sure I know who posted that derogatory statement, I'm just waiting on the moderator to email me with the IP Address to confirm it.
Thanks so much for your support and your love of long hair.
OK, here is MY favorite pic of my hair ( this was taken 3+ years ago...July 2003 )