thanks, tecra. >

by pc

don't stop posting pix because of one bad site, please.

eyez love your 'original' posts.

did you save all those links n pix?

would you repost them, minus the bad one??

do you know which pic and or link it was?

i need the site/hosts name.

thanks and thanks for that ''bad link'' list......

lol i read today in the paris news [texas]

some overseas general was going to show his troups a training film. [power point, i guess]

he turned/clicked it on and started walking away [he had seen it]

the troups started lol and when the general turned around,

a xxx movie was playing.

he tried a reboot,,BUTT,,happened again.

a techie told him it was a trogan horse virus making it do that.

[general better watch where he's surfin, unprotected, huh.?.lol]

i'v been useing this pic host, for a month, r so.

it hotlinks,,BUTT,,you have to 'edit' the links it gives you.

[ delete the bs and change the ''t'' to ''i''..t=thumb..i=image ]

you can upload 9 at a time. [hint2all]

[see my pix for lurker and ]




do you test your pics/sites for hotlinking?

i do, at

it, might have, done the trogan thingy, there.?.

uno, alot of people dissapprove of hotlinking.

the way i see it, the person can see where the pic came frum and

has the option of going to the site, r not.

point at this pic

ya'll/newbeez,,look at this link


you wouldn't think that met would allow hotlinking with out a reason.

btw,,fyi: full/met-art_sg_223_12.jpg

tecra, you inspire me.


report: crush zips to upload and thumbs are cropped, BAD..

[model preboox show, just, the eyez. set thumbs show a foot, r a wrist, r,,,lol]

i want my money back................