Chat Tomorrow Night

by Leona Website: LongHairDivas.Com

Hi Ya'll !! Kiss Kiss

Just thought I would pop in and let you know about my chat tomorrow night. It is at 10 PM USA EST. I hope you can make it!

The free cam I did the other night was really cool, over 30 people showed up - THANK YOU!! It's a work in progress, sorry if any of you had any tech problems, etc. I saw somewhere PC had said the video was blurry for him, and the sound for others. But, all in all, it was a freakin' blast.

I'll be having another one soon, as soon as I'm feeling up to it. I just had surgery on the 7th, so it may be early October before I let loose with another free cam. Gotta let the swelling go down, lol. Straight Face Straight Face


Hope to chat with you Wednesday night....

Kiss Kiss
