sept 11th

by nyhairlover

I agree with us NOT getting politcal on this forum. Im sick of everything turning into a discussion of the current war and the WTC falling. Im also sick of people calling it 9-11 as if its some sort of theme part attraction, or new movie. the event happened on september eleventh, so what..come up with a real name for it. after five years, all we can do is call it by the day it happened. thats pathetic and the worse part is we dont even include the year in the name. I guess on top of being too stupid to think of a name, but we are also too lazy to say the whole thing. Its not the 5th anniversary of 9-11, we had one last year!!! with all that said, I am from NY, so please for the sake of the little intelligence we have left in this country, dont reply to this if you are some idiot from the other side of the country trying to tell me how it effected you. I actually knew people who died that day.. think about that when you buy another magnetic ribbon for your car just to fit in and piggyback on other people's tragedy. Im sorry to the 95% of american who wont ever have anything that "exciting" happen to them, but its sad when you have to fake personal loss just to get a high out of life.

Finally, this is a LONG HAIR FORUM so stop talking about political shit!

thank you.