Gr8 story it kinda reminds me of:
My bachelor days when I would cruise the gentlemen clubs for some lap
dancing. I would always look for the silky LH gal and ask her for a
dance. I would start the conversation by saying, "I really admire your
hair." "Would you please put it all over me during your dance routine."
She thought I was rather strange, since she did not have to take off her
cloths during her routine like regular customers. But since she liked to
flaunt her hair, she got excited at the prospects too.
My favorite part was when she would drape her hair over me like I was
the bulb on a lamp post. All I could see and feel was hair and I felt a
tingling sensation allover.
Then she pressed hard against me, working her way up from my chest,
cheek to cheek, and pausing to allow me to smell her center hair part
made me believe I was in hair heaven.