DYQ and Leona

by fachi Website: China Long Hair Forum

DYQ, a very good friend of mine, went to Niagara Falls a couple days ago. Some her friends were shooting some film about the Sutherland Sisters. They invited her to join their project. She did enjoy the trip, even though she's got a very bad case of motion sickness. She mailed me some pics of her visit after he got back home. Upon opening them, I noticed that she met with Leona there. I called her just now and said you're so lucky that you were with Leona. I told her I saw many Leona pics here on this board, but since there're alota adult material floating around, she wouldn't be very interested visting here. But Leona is very famous, got alota fans, and a very good repution among the fans here. She enjoyed meeting with Leona, matter fact, these pics were taken by a friend of Leona that came along with them...

So to all the Leona fans(and DYQ fans), here you go. She sent me a total of 5 pics, 3 with Leona(I don't know the name of the girl on the right, yet). I posted them all to our Chinese long hair board, here: chinalonghair.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=118&id=24512

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