Just was wondering...(Off-topic)

by manny

...what some of you guys and gals did in your "spare" time when you're not surfing the net, etc. Well, I think I've mentioned that I dabble in music (I have accolades enough in that area), but I do lots of other stuff as well.

Here's a shot of yours truly on the mound for Ivan's Deli, a local eatery about a mile from me. We won the Akron Silver league (45 and older) tournament championship in '03. This is a shot from that season, vs. Akron YMCA. I pitched 3 scoreless innings in that game, hard to do in slow pitch against some very experienced players. Went 3-for-5 with 2 doubles and 6 RBI's in the first playoff game, 4-for-4 in the second, and we won't mention what I did in the championship game, but we won anyway, beating the top seed along the way.

This shot is a photo of me at work about a year or so ago...don't mind the rather grubby clothes... I no longer work for this company. If you're familiar with some of the controversy regarding electronic voting machines, well...that's the company. I had something to do with that product but not a lot. A lot of what you hear in the media is just hype, but I got out for several reasons...including it was one of the poorest run companies I have ever worked for.

Most recently, I was on the engineering design team and built some of the prototypes for this brand new head/chest/spine MRI coil--something I'm pretty proud of.

Would like to hear what some of the rest of you are into.
