grrrrrrrr8post [manny>]

by pc

you posted pic 4 10 and 12

hairs pic 5 [one you, probabully, didn't look at or save]

[man,,,,loved her hair..THANKS]

[lol,,,bad loaded for me, now]

let me put it a different way.

go to your desk top

right click internet exxxploder

select properties

in the middle frame click ''delete files''. [offline is optional] this will take a few minutes.

note: this won't hurt anything. cookies is what helps you surf faster.

[all the pics/pages you have looked at will have to reload now, that's all]


now, click this post

 » more surfin' for today..try it again

if that's to much trouble,,

let me put it a different way.

i test pics, b4 i post them, to see if they will hotlink, hair [put at bottom]

test this one [of yours] take space out

ht tp://

hair,,test this one [not really]

ht tp:// [nadda ting,,BUTT,,not the point]


ht tp:// [ting]

[01 to 15]

BUTT, check 4 gallery, 1st

sorry...i'm lost, now [^^^^^^^^^^^ gits me every time]

i think i was trying to say

''some to most of your pics, posted, are redXboxxxes''

ussually, they drag to the top,,BUTT,,the 2nd met one's didn't.

glad you posted the gallery........

[after looking at them and saving the .jpg link,,

the pics are in your temp ie files. that's why you see them, hair, and we get redXboxxxes.

if you deleted your temp files, go back and look at your post]

NOTE: really,,,it's no big deal. i love/surf all your post/links.

