Dude, the Thailand Department of Tourism

by kiergray

...should pay you for this! Great pictures.

Thai women are among the prettiest of Asians, in my opinion. Also the friendliest and least likely to be stuck-up.

There's a girl who lives on my block, been in the US for just a year, and works at a Thai restaurant in the city. Pert, petite, with perky young breasts under the flowered summer dresses she favors.

We often wait for the bus together in the morning, and she always has a smile for the regulars... and a slightly naughty grin for me!

Her hair is just perfect. Halfway down her back, pin straight, parted dead center so you can see a thin strip of scalp between the shiny crest of her tresses. Recently she had it highlighted with long, honey-brown streaks.

When she comes out to the bus stop she's usually just brushed and blow-dried it out, and it's always a treat. Her highlights trace the comb-marks where her brush made its way through the soft masses of her hair just minutes before. When it catches the sunlight it's beautiful enough to hurt.

She noticed me staring at it a couple of times, and didn't seem to mind. These days, when I'm at the bus stop ahead of her, I always move aside to let her on first when the bus arrives. She likes that. She'll often reward me with lingering on the steps and a slight hair-toss, so that her gleaming cascade kisses my forearm right behind her. Sometimes by turning around just so on her way in, and letting the firm soft roundness of her ass caress my thigh. One of these days I'm going to get up the nerve to ask her if I can touch that hair of hers....