Diane Lane's Comments On Hair Cut

by nb34 Website:

The charity that Diane was cutting her hair for is the Pantene Beautiful Lengths campaign which encourages people to grow, cut and donate healthy hair to make wigs for women who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment.

Here is the full story:

Under The Tuscan Sun star Diane Lane chopped off all of her hair on live TV Thursday to help make a wig for a women's cancer charity. The star was supporting the Pantene Beautiful Lengths campaign which encourages people to grow, cut and donate healthy hair to make wigs for women who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment. Lane appeared on the US morning show Today and had her hair cut by co-host Ann Curry, who also cut off her own hair in March for the children's charity Locks of Love. The Unfaithful star explains, "I've always wanted to cut my hair short and nobody would ever let me. In movies they always want Pantene gorgeous hair. You just want to help people with cancer and you have a natural resource that only you can give. It's for a beautiful, beautiful cause." As the nervous star made her way over to the hair stylist's chair she quipped, "My husband (Josh Brolin) promised that he will still find me cute!" Curry took several minutes to cut her way through Lane's thick stresses, as Lane remarked, "It's still going! This is like a taking down a giant oak!" After eight inches of her hair was chopped off, a delighted Lane said, "Go for it, send in your hair! It's so fun and liberating! I've wanted to do this for years!" An hour after receiving her cut, the star appear on US talk show The View to discuss her new short bobbed hair. She reveals, "I didn't sleep last night! By the time five am rolled around I was like 'Just do it!'" Lane said her step-daughter has also been inspired to cut her hair and that her husband has been completely supportive of their efforts. She added, "His hair is a bit longer than mine now! He hasn't seen it yet - he's doing a night shoot in New Mexico. I left him a voicemail describing it the best I could. I'm loving it!"

Well, Diane, they always want gorgeous Pantene hair in the movies because that's what a lot of people like. There are plenty of people out there that don't want to see Salma Hayek or Jennifer Aniston or Kate Beckinsale with short, non-Pantene hair. Plus, short hair doesn't work on all actresses. Only so few can pull off having short and long hair. You had that gorgeous Pantene hair but now you lost it. I know you did it for a good cause, but still, I feel a little bitter about you cutting such precious locks that have influenced generations. Angry Sad Seeing her say that sending in her hair is "so fun and liberating" and that "she's wanted to do this for years" kind of breaks our hearts in some way. I mean she had this great hair for years and all this time she has despised it. Sad