the chat frum last week >

by pc

Welcome! You have entered [Long Hair Chatroom] at 8:00 pm

[shellymodel] 8:00 pm: It's quite cold so I need to keep the toes warm...hehe

[eric] 8:00 pm: hey pc

[jon] 8:00 pm: Long hair should be worn down most of the time

[bun_lv] 8:00 pm: but i saw a nice bun of you

[pc] 8:00 pm: howdeeeeeeeeeee

[bun_lv] 8:00 pm: hi pc

[shellymodel] 8:00 pm: hi pc

[jon] 8:00 pm: Where are you S?

[eric] 8:00 pm: long time nno c

[shellymodel] 8:01 pm: Mid US

[shellymodel] 8:01 pm: I wear it in a bun alot ...I have a little one...

[eric] 8:01 pm: i'm in michigan

[jon] 8:01 pm: I am in Europe so getting late

[bun_lv] 8:01 pm: you have little bun??

[bun_lv] 8:02 pm: what kind of bun you like?

[shellymodel] 8:02 pm: I have a little girl

[bun_lv] 8:02 pm: ok

[shellymodel] 8:02 pm: She likes to pull my long hair

[pc] 8:02 pm: shelly, howdeee. eyez been sea'n yore post/pics at ninja's forum. wellcome to lhp and the lh

lovers hang-out. you are, quit, loverly.

[eric] 8:02 pm: letting her hair grow/??

[shellymodel] 8:02 pm: what time is it in europe?

[jon] 8:03 pm: Its 2 am in UK

[shellymodel] 8:03 pm: She does not have much hair yet

[shellymodel] 8:03 pm: wow that is late

[eric] 8:04 pm: will u

[jon] 8:04 pm: Gotta go soon.....

[shellymodel] 8:04 pm: Hopefully it will start to grow soon... I will let it grow LONG

[bun_lv] 8:04 pm: nice

[eric] 8:04 pm: good

[bun_lv] 8:04 pm: since when you had long hair?

[pc] 8:05 pm: i'm a texxxan, btw. mid u.s.? where bouts?

[shellymodel] 8:05 pm: I grew up in Arkansas

[eric] 8:05 pm: pc u in Dallas?

[pc] 8:05 pm: paris texas

[shellymodel] 8:05 pm: I've had it long off and on over the years

[jon] 8:06 pm: Looks like you are on your own shelly

[shellymodel] 8:06 pm: Cool been there many of times

[bun_lv] 8:06 pm: i see,,, this is the longest it reached?

[eric] 8:06 pm: wheres mandy?

[shellymodel] 8:06 pm: Why I'm I on my own you say?

[jon] 8:07 pm: I meant on the site

[shellymodel] 8:07 pm: Not sure where Mandy and Mary are...

[bun_lv] 8:07 pm: the other models are bit late

[shellymodel] 8:07 pm: They should be here

[shellymodel] 8:07 pm: You have to give me props I was early...

[shellymodel] 8:08 pm:

[pc] 8:08 pm: it's, like, 8am, where mandy is. i'll make coffee for when she arrives

[shellymodel] 8:08 pm: I'm sure she would like that

[pc] 8:08 pm: 6pm for mary. she'll be hair,,eyez shore

[Long Hair Chatroom]: Coleman has entered at 8:09 pm

[shellymodel] 8:09 pm: Hi coleman

[eric] 8:09 pm: i've missed mandy

[Coleman] 8:09 pm: Hi, how are you?

[bun_lv] 8:09 pm: hi C

[pc] 8:09 pm: howdeeeee, shelly [repost]

[shellymodel] 8:10 pm: howdeeeee back

[pc] 8:10 pm: me, last weekend [fish from my 16acre lake]

[shellymodel] 8:10 pm: I'm GREATTTTTT!!!!! and you

[pc] 8:10 pm: how bout a pic from u.?.

[eric] 8:11 pm: shelly whats ur update?"

[Long Hair Chatroom]: iceman5x5 has entered at 8:11 pm

[eric] 8:11 pm: brrrrrrrrrr

[shellymodel] 8:11 pm: I can honestly say I'm not sure how to send through here

[pc] 8:11 pm: howdeee, iceman...glad ur hair

[iceman5x5] 8:12 pm: thanks, first time

[shellymodel] 8:12 pm: hi iceman you said you'd be here

[eric] 8:12 pm: who let iceman in brrrrrrrrrrrrr lol;

[Coleman] 8:12 pm: First time for me, also.

[pc] 8:12 pm: just, post the link to one of your pics, shelly

[iceman5x5] 8:12 pm: Hi Shelly, yes I did

[iceman5x5] 8:12 pm: lol @ Eric

[eric] 8:12 pm: i kidd

[eric] 8:13 pm: iceman all in fun

[shellymodel] 8:13 pm: So how long have ya'll been going to longhairportraits?

[iceman5x5] 8:13 pm:

[pc] 8:14 pm: i was a member the very 1st month [leona]

[eric] 8:14 pm: me tooooo

[pc] 8:15 pm: the pics are too big for dial-up, so, i never joined, again

[bun_lv] 8:15 pm: i was here since leona too

[shellymodel] 8:15 pm: Wow ....Well I hope you will like me for the newest replacement....

[pc] 8:15 pm: yes, shelly, eyez do. you r beautiful

[Coleman] 8:15 pm: How long is your hair, Shelly?

[shellymodel] 8:15 pm: Just remember I new at this

[jon] 8:15 pm: What updates have you got planned Shelly?

[eric] 8:15 pm: i go back to bj days

[shellymodel] 8:16 pm: Thanks pc

[shellymodel] 8:16 pm: my hair is 55 inches

[iceman5x5] 8:16 pm: yeah, your pics are stunning Shelly

[Coleman] 8:16 pm: Beautiful.

[shellymodel] 8:16 pm: well does anyone have request whin reason?

[pc] 8:17 pm:

[pc] 8:17 pm: hint

[eric] 8:17 pm: pc i remember bj and tayna days

[jon] 8:17 pm: I would like to see some wet hair Shelly

[shellymodel] 8:18 pm: yea got the hint hold on and I'll see what I can do for ya

[pc] 8:18 pm: bj, y-yes...tayna? no.?.

[shellymodel] 8:19 pm:

[eric] 8:19 pm: iceman u in alaska?

[iceman5x5] 8:19 pm: hehehehe

[iceman5x5] 8:19 pm: nope, in Mass

[shellymodel] 8:19 pm: ok so why did that not work for me?

[shellymodel] 8:20 pm: Hey it cooold there too

[pc] 8:20 pm:

[shellymodel] 8:20 pm: woo thank you

[eric] 8:21 pm: i like u indian style shelly

[iceman5x5] 8:21 pm: it sure is and all its doing is raining

[shellymodel] 8:21 pm: can you do anouther one for me?

[pc] 8:21 pm: gr8 smile/hair. natural, eyez ass-zoom

[eric] 8:21 pm: on sofa

[Coleman] 8:21 pm: How long have you been letting your hair grow?

[Long Hair Chatroom]: jon has left at 8:22 pm

[pc] 8:22 pm: ice, i went to mass, once. couldn't understand a word they said [lol]

[shellymodel] 8:22 pm: raining here too all week... it bites

[iceman5x5] 8:22 pm: lol

[Long Hair Chatroom]: jon has entered at 8:22 pm

[shellymodel] 8:23 pm: Hi again jon

[pc] 8:23 pm: sent some of that rain,,,down hair

[jon] 8:23 pm: Got kicked off!!

[shellymodel] 8:23 pm: My hair has gron off and on over the years colman

[iceman5x5] 8:23 pm: you can have it, I will send it right over

[shellymodel] 8:23 pm: grown i meen

[eric] 8:24 pm: has anyone gotten a message about Active X?

[shellymodel] 8:24 pm: hey pc have you ever been to Idabel, ok?

[Long Hair Chatroom]: goober has entered at 8:24 pm

[pc] 8:24 pm: 20 miles from hair

[shellymodel] 8:24 pm: no whats active x

[Coleman] 8:25 pm: What part of the country do you live in, Shelly?

[eric] 8:25 pm: Goober hi

[shellymodel] 8:25 pm: hey goober

[pc] 8:25 pm: don't install active x !!!

[goober] 8:25 pm: hey, room!

[shellymodel] 8:25 pm: top mid

[shellymodel] 8:25 pm: my mom lives there pc

[pc] 8:25 pm: howdee, goober

[shellymodel] 8:26 pm: I use too

[Coleman] 8:26 pm: Thought you might. I live in Michigan and it has been raining and will keep on rain for

two or more days.

[goober] 8:26 pm: y'all look like a MN girl 2 me, Shelly

[eric] 8:26 pm: i always get that message when i go to this site

[shellymodel] 8:26 pm: same here needs to stop raining

[jon] 8:26 pm: Gotta go now, how about a hair care update Shelly, wash that hair in the kitchen so you

can keep your clothes on!!

[shellymodel] 8:26 pm: haven't got it yet

[goober] 8:27 pm: well, goooooollllllyyyy, pc, you sure are quick on the trigger!! lol

[pc] 8:27 pm: that's cool, shelly. i love the idabel area. beavers been is close to there. ever go


[shellymodel] 8:27 pm: hey theres a great idea jon

[jon] 8:28 pm: Do that for me and I will stay a member....

[shellymodel] 8:28 pm: I've been trying to figure out how to do that

[shellymodel] 8:28 pm: yea beavers bend is great

[Long Hair Chatroom]: Coleman has left at 8:28 pm

Welcome! You have entered [Long Hair Chatroom] at 8:28 pm

[shellymodel] 8:29 pm: what happened pc

[jon] 8:29 pm: make sure you do a video Shelly

[shellymodel] 8:29 pm: so any other ideas for hair photo's

[iceman5x5] 8:30 pm: Shelly, I have a question: Are u on video too?

[pc] 8:30 pm: i'm fixxen to chat with eric. [it wasn't the active x i was talking about. this one is


[shellymodel] 8:30 pm: I will have video tommorrows update I did them last night

[iceman5x5] 8:30 pm: no.......I mean right now like a cam

[shellymodel] 8:31 pm: no sorry no cam

[iceman5x5] 8:31 pm: oh ok......I thought everbody could see u

[shellymodel] 8:31 pm: jon you still ther

[pc] 8:31 pm: no cam, hair. wm is to cheep. he should provide the equipment, uno

[jon] 8:31 pm: yeah, still here

[shellymodel] 8:32 pm: I can do the washing hair thing

[pc] 8:32 pm: sorry...wm and eye don't sea eye2eye

[jon] 8:32 pm: Ok, looking forward to it

[jon] 8:33 pm: Nice and slow and lots of talking

[shellymodel] 8:33 pm: whats wm

[shellymodel] 8:33 pm: what I'm I to say?

[Long Hair Chatroom]: flasktwo has entered at 8:34 pm

[pc] 8:34 pm: webmaster [it's what he will sign in ass]

[shellymodel] 8:34 pm: the washing does go very slow, it take about 30 to an hour somtime to wash

[goober] 8:34 pm: I take it pc doesn't like your webmaster

[jon] 8:35 pm: Like to see that shelly

[pc] 8:35 pm: man, goober, i could tell you some bad stuff, on him [shelly,,,beware]

[shellymodel] 8:35 pm: I will try to do that soon just for you jon

[shellymodel] 8:35 pm: He's been great to me

[shellymodel] 8:36 pm: now now no bad talking ok

[goober] 8:36 pm: how u no itsa "he"?

[shellymodel] 8:36 pm: we have a lady in the

[pc] 8:37 pm: he has changed. shelly, i wish you all the luck, at lhp

[shellymodel] 8:37 pm: I have talked with him many of times

[shellymodel] 8:37 pm: I hope to do well here whith all of your help of course

[pc] 8:39 pm: lhp really is a gr8/on-topic site,,BUTT,,not dial-up friendly. brian could fix this, uno.

[shellymodel] 8:39 pm: So for photo's what should I do any request?

[Long Hair Chatroom]: flasktwo has left at 8:39 pm

[pc] 8:39 pm: shelly, i love shadows

[Long Hair Chatroom]: surfer17 has entered at 8:39 pm

[Long Hair Chatroom]: bun_lv has left at 8:39 pm

[pc] 8:40 pm: i picture all of you and your shadow on a white wall with, only, one light

[shellymodel] 8:40 pm: shadows what you mean

[shellymodel] 8:40 pm: hi surfer

[Long Hair Chatroom]: Leona has entered at 8:40 pm

[Long Hair Chatroom]: LS has entered at 8:40 pm

[shellymodel] 8:40 pm: Then you will like tommorrows photo's

[Leona] 8:41 pm: Hola

[surfer17] 8:41 pm: hello Shelly

[LS] 8:41 pm: hello Aall

[Leona] 8:41 pm: Hello

[LS] 8:41 pm: hello Leona

[shellymodel] 8:41 pm: hi leona

[Leona] 8:41 pm: Hi LS

[Leona] 8:41 pm: Hi all LHP models

[LS] 8:41 pm: hello Shelly

[pc] 8:41 pm: well,,,,,howdeeeeee, leona. was, just, talking about you and the 1st month of lhp.

how are you?

[jon] 8:41 pm: OK, I can go to bed happy, chat with you again soon

[Long Hair Chatroom]: jon has left at 8:42 pm

[shellymodel] 8:42 pm: hi ya back

[Leona] 8:42 pm: Hey PC my dear, yes, that was a while back, how are you?

[pc] 8:42 pm: by, jon. see u at the forums

[goober] 8:42 pm: Are you really in Chicago, Leona?

[Long Hair Chatroom]: will has entered at 8:42 pm

[shellymodel] 8:42 pm: hi will

[pc] 8:42 pm: i'm good. you are looking loverly, these day. time serves you well

[will] 8:43 pm: Hi shelly

[shellymodel] 8:43 pm: what happened to evryone?

[Leona] 8:43 pm: yes i am in chicago. my daughter graduated navy basic training on friday morning

[LS] 8:43 pm: congrats leona

[goober] 8:43 pm: Great Lakes Naval Base. Cool!!

[shellymodel] 8:43 pm: good for her

[Long Hair Chatroom]: iceman5x5 has left at 8:44 pm

[Leona] 8:44 pm: yep, i am very proud of her

[goober] 8:44 pm: been there

[Leona] 8:44 pm: thanks pc, I don't hate u my dear

[Leona] 8:44 pm: it is a nice base. we are having breakfast with her in the morning and then flying back

home to florida

[pc] 8:45 pm: o,,,leona. i knew you didn't. brian #$%^&* between us, uno.

[Leona] 8:45 pm: shelly, welcome to the long hair world on the net

[goober] 8:45 pm: too bad the weather was so crappy

[goober] 8:45 pm: inside ceremony, I assume??

[pc] 8:45 pm: speekin of rollin one [just did]

[Leona] 8:45 pm: yes he did honey

[shellymodel] 8:45 pm: thank you glad to be here

[surfer17] 8:46 pm: Shelly can you tell me who makes the best Hair conditioner ?

[Leona] 8:46 pm: yes it was inside the drill hall

[shellymodel] 8:46 pm: I like redken

[pc] 8:46 pm: what? what did u think i was

[goober] 8:46 pm: R U eating breakfast in the mess hall??

[goober] 8:46 pm: LOL

[shellymodel] 8:47 pm: It works great for me

[Leona] 8:47 pm: yes, it is crappy weather

[goober] 8:47 pm: a little s.o.s.??

[Leona] 8:47 pm: lol pc... my bro is a fireman too

[Leona] 8:47 pm: lol goober

[surfer17] 8:47 pm: thank you

[Leona] 8:47 pm: nah, we will prolly go to ihop

[goober] 8:47 pm: I'm only 20 minutes from the base

[shellymodel] 8:47 pm: I use clear moisture

[pc] 8:47 pm: btw: i'm a volunteer firefighter / 1st responder / red cross / CERT

[goober] 8:47 pm: go to the one on I-94 and 132, I'll meet you there. lol

[shellymodel] 8:47 pm: It's great but not cheap

[surfer17] 8:48 pm: whats that ?

[pc] 8:48 pm: i was one of 5 instructors in this class [graduation shot, last tuesday]

[pc] 8:48 pm: leona, can/will u post us a pic?

[shellymodel] 8:48 pm: the conditioner

[Leona] 8:49 pm: lol i think that is the ihop we are going to

[goober] 8:49 pm: wow, that is too weird!!!

[shellymodel] 8:49 pm: is eric and will still there too

[will] 8:49 pm: You have great hair shelly, must take a lot of looking after?

[eric] 8:50 pm: i'm here

[surfer17] 8:50 pm: what makes hair grow faster ?

[Leona] 8:50 pm: not cutting it surfer

[shellymodel] 8:51 pm: Thanks for the great hair comment.... I spend alot of time on it....

[shellymodel] 8:51 pm: I don't get trims but maybe once a year

[Leona] 8:51 pm: me too once a year

[shellymodel] 8:52 pm: how long is your's I mean

[surfer17] 8:52 pm: nothing else? no secrets ?

[pc] 8:52 pm: my wife

changed to dove

shampoo n conditioner. i like it !

[Leona] 8:52 pm: mine?

[shellymodel] 8:52 pm: I had a major cut in 2002

[Leona] 8:53 pm: do you not know of me shelly?

[pc] 8:53 pm: leona, may i post your pic?

[shellymodel] 8:53 pm: I have seen maybe 3 photo's only...sorry

[Leona] 8:54 pm: i used to be on this site

[Leona] 8:54 pm: which one pc?

[shellymodel] 8:54 pm: You are very pretty and your hair is wonderful

[Leona] 8:54 pm: thank shelly same to you

[pc] 8:54 pm: let me look...found 2 of u n anya.

[will] 8:54 pm: Leonas hair is a lot better than wonderful

[surfer17] 8:54 pm: is there another model here ?

[shellymodel] 8:54 pm: Yea I knew that you were on here.... I just found out about the site about a month


[Leona] 8:55 pm: i figured that shelly

[Leona] 8:55 pm: um pc, you would have to get her permission too

[shellymodel] 8:55 pm: There should be...I'm sorry not sure where mandy and mary are?

[pc] 8:55 pm: i found 4 of your pics, leona...may i?

[Leona] 8:55 pm: once i saw your pics on ebay i knew brian would be on you like crazy

[Leona] 8:56 pm: just let me know which ones pc

[Leona] 8:56 pm: email em to me sweety pc

[shellymodel] 8:57 pm: I actully sold it and the winner wants me to keep

[Leona] 8:58 pm: that good shelly keep it

[surfer17] 8:58 pm: shelly I would like to see you in a 1hr video

[eric] 8:58 pm: hope mandy is ok

[shellymodel] 8:58 pm: surfer I have no secrets...sorry Just take care of it...I don't smoke so that may help

[Leona] 8:59 pm: did she have the baby yet?

[surfer17] 8:59 pm: thanks for the tips

[eric] 8:59 pm: dont no

[shellymodel] 8:59 pm: I thought they were going to be here... thats what I was told... So sorry guys

[eric] 8:59 pm: dont think so

[shellymodel] 9:00 pm: o-yea surfer...I don't bush untill gets starts to dry

[pc] 9:00 pm: leona,,u have a male [me]

[will] 9:00 pm: You have done well without them Shelly, hope to see more of you on the site soon

[Leona] 9:00 pm: me either shelly

[Leona] 9:00 pm: okie dokie pc

[surfer17] 9:00 pm: I"m glad you dont smoke

[shellymodel] 9:01 pm: hey will I will have alot more on tommorrow

[eric] 9:01 pm: i have cerebral palsy

[will] 9:01 pm: Smoke smells bad on long hair

[surfer17] 9:01 pm: it sure does

[Leona] 9:01 pm: eww, yes it does. smoke bad

[Long Hair Chatroom]: LS has left at 9:02 pm

[pc] 9:02 pm: 0,,,,eric,,,i know you, now...not depressed, i hope

[shellymodel] 9:02 pm: Tell me about it...I can honestly say I have never even tried smoking

[surfer17] 9:02 pm: good for you

[eric] 9:02 pm: no on new meds

[shellymodel] 9:02 pm: or any drugs for that matter

[eric] 9:02 pm: zoloft

[will] 9:02 pm: Stay away Shelly smoky hair is a real turn off

[pc] 9:02 pm: cool, eric. aren't these ladies gr8.?.

[surfer17] 9:03 pm: me neither no drugs

[shellymodel] 9:03 pm: does that work I have seen it on tv

[eric] 9:03 pm: mandy is my favorite besides leona

[Leona] 9:03 pm: love you eric

[eric] 9:04 pm: no offense shelly

[shellymodel] 9:04 pm: I never will...haha...

[surfer17] 9:04 pm: will you chat again tomorrow Shelly ?

[shellymodel] 9:04 pm: thats ok I'm the newbie I know

[Leona] 9:05 pm: gotta start some where shelly

[goober] 9:05 pm: this was fun watching you all talk. I hope I can do it again soon, but something just

came up and I gotta go. fast!!! thanks!!!

[eric] 9:05 pm: mandy is a sweety

[shellymodel] 9:05 pm: Probely not I have 2 kido's and a husband that have plans for me ....sorry It will be

Mother's Day

[shellymodel] 9:06 pm: bye goober

[surfer17] 9:06 pm: thats too bad

[Leona] 9:06 pm: Happy Mother's day to all, that is why I stopped by. I also wanted to see if mandy had

the baby.

[shellymodel] 9:07 pm: I will try to do a chat at least once a week and I will post to let everyone know

when to be there

[Leona] 9:07 pm: I gotta go too. by pc will talk to you soon sweety

[shellymodel] 9:07 pm: I haven't heard

[shellymodel] 9:07 pm: not sure when she's due

[Leona] 9:08 pm: should be pretty soon shelly. not sure myself when she is due

[shellymodel] 9:08 pm: know if shes having a boy or girl

[will] 9:08 pm: Got to go bye all

[Leona] 9:08 pm: but i know you mary, and myself are mothers, so... Happy Mother's Day!!

[Long Hair Chatroom]: goober has left at 9:09 pm

[surfer17] 9:09 pm: do you plan to do a DVD Shelly ?

[shellymodel] 9:09 pm: Thank you Leona ...Happy Mother's Day to you also..

[pc] 9:09 pm: by, leona. 1 pic?

[pc] 9:10 pm: heart in the sand??

[shellymodel] 9:10 pm: I do plan on doing a DVD... hopefully soon

[will] 9:10 pm: What will you put on your DVD?

[Leona] 9:10 pm: go ahead and post one pic pc, but as long as it is just me in it

[surfer17] 9:11 pm: Great !

[shellymodel] 9:11 pm: Any ideas?

[pc] 9:11 pm:

[Leona] 9:11 pm: oh yeah baby , that pic is cool pc go ahead

[pc] 9:11 pm: eyez think it's your best

[shellymodel] 9:11 pm: very pretty leona

[will] 9:11 pm: Stunning pic

[Leona] 9:12 pm: i gotta go ya'll.... talk to you soon

[shellymodel] 9:12 pm: bye bye

[Leona] 9:12 pm: welcome shelly, your hair is awesome

[shellymodel] 9:12 pm: thanks

[Leona] 9:12 pm: nite everyone

[pc] 9:13 pm: good nite, leona/rp

[surfer17] 9:13 pm: what aboutt wearing your hair in different types of buns on the DVD ?

[Long Hair Chatroom]: Leona has left at 9:13 pm

[will] 9:13 pm: I am sure your DVD will be all your shoots to date, any ideas for future shoots

[shellymodel] 9:13 pm: so guys give me some fresh ideas...please!!!!!

[Long Hair Chatroom]: julie has entered at 9:14 pm

[shellymodel] 9:14 pm: I will have one tommorrow on LHP with about 15 mins of video

[shellymodel] 9:15 pm: I far as somewhere around an hour I will try to do that soon

[shellymodel] 9:15 pm: hi julie

[surfer17] 9:15 pm: what about jumping on a trampoline Shelly?

[Long Hair Chatroom]: julie has left at 9:16 pm

[shellymodel] 9:16 pm: I don't have a trampoline anymore...we moved about 3 weeks ago and we sold it

before we moved

[will] 9:16 pm: You and a girlfriend doing each others hair?

[pc] 9:16 pm: shelly, may i 'record' this chat and post it at my forum?

[pc] 9:17 pm: brb[coffee]

[shellymodel] 9:17 pm: I don't care

[surfer17] 9:17 pm: yea good idea !

[will] 9:17 pm: Or go through and show us your hair care routine?

[surfer17] 9:18 pm: yea good idea !

[shellymodel] 9:18 pm: Like I said I just moved and don't know anyone yet sorry ...the hair care thing I

could do...Does anyone of you like MOOSE?

[eric] 9:19 pm: its ok

[surfer17] 9:19 pm: I prefer dry hair

[shellymodel] 9:19 pm: Maybe I will meet people soon

[will] 9:19 pm: hair care would be good, do you shampoo in the shower or the tub

[shellymodel] 9:20 pm: I shower...Hair get very tangled in the tub

[will] 9:20 pm: Just an idea

[shellymodel] 9:21 pm: Sill a good idea and I may do it for some photo's or video

[surfer17] 9:22 pm: how about a lot of close up shots of your hair ?

[will] 9:22 pm: I would like to see your hair wet

[pc] 9:22 pm: yea,,,wet is cool. b4 n after, of course

[shellymodel] 9:22 pm: You will get some close ups tomorrow... I hope everyone will like.

[surfer17] 9:22 pm: with water I hope

[shellymodel] 9:23 pm: only with water

[shellymodel] 9:23 pm: lol

[will] 9:23 pm: And shampoo?

[shellymodel] 9:23 pm: I will do me washing hair in a video most likely

[will] 9:24 pm: That would be cool

[shellymodel] 9:24 pm: Shampoo and conditioner... I use Redken

[shellymodel] 9:24 pm: I buy it by the gallons...

[pc] 9:24 pm: shelly, how do you feel,,,,,,,about streetshots, and being the 'victim'?

[will] 9:24 pm: I must go now, will join the site for the shampoo update

[pc] 9:24 pm: 2 streets frum the art fair, 2day

[shellymodel] 9:25 pm: I really do hope that you will keep in touch ...bye will

[will] 9:25 pm: Bye all

[Long Hair Chatroom]: will has left at 9:25 pm

[shellymodel] 9:26 pm: your wife has long hair pc

[eric] 9:26 pm: no mandy tonight?

[shellymodel] 9:26 pm: or is that your wife

[pc] 9:26 pm: my wife is gr8. married 17 years and NEVER had a fight

[shellymodel] 9:27 pm: Eric I'm sorry, she was suppose to be here and so was Mary

[pc] 9:27 pm: my wife, last year

[surfer17] 9:27 pm: what about the buns idea Shelly ?

[shellymodel] 9:28 pm: My wedding anv. is on the 25th of this month..we will be married 4 yrs and no

fighting either

[shellymodel] 9:28 pm: Like my hair up in a bun?

[eric] 9:28 pm: she must be ill

[pc] 9:28 pm: that's good to know. i bet ya'll are happy.

[surfer17] 9:28 pm: wear your hair in diferent buns on the DVD

[shellymodel] 9:29 pm: If so you will get a few of those tommorrow too

[shellymodel] 9:30 pm: We are very happy....I have a 10 yr old step son and a 1 yr old little girl....Shes in

to everything right now

[eric] 9:30 pm: shelly is update uploaded yet]

[pc] 9:30 pm: eyez not in2 braids, ponytails r buns. they're so un-natural.

[shellymodel] 9:31 pm: I don't really know how to do different buns just a few

[shellymodel] 9:31 pm: I think the 2 braids is cute

[eric] 9:31 pm: guys i gotta go

[pc] 9:32 pm: eric, u stay cool, now...c u @ pcS

[eric] 9:32 pm: if u see mandy send my love

[shellymodel] 9:33 pm: How do ya'll feel about cowboy hats

[shellymodel] 9:33 pm: Sure will eric

[eric] 9:33 pm: yes

[surfer17] 9:33 pm: there are alot of ideas for buns on the indianrapunzels and chinese sites

[eric] 9:33 pm: Blessings

[shellymodel] 9:33 pm: Hope you like my new photo's

[pc] 9:33 pm: ERIC, I C HER NOW

[shellymodel] 9:33 pm: thanks for coming

[surfer17] 9:34 pm: cowboy hats hide too much hair

[shellymodel] 9:34 pm: surfer I'll check them out

[eric] 9:34 pm: night folks

[shellymodel] 9:34 pm: just the top

[shellymodel] 9:35 pm: good nite eric

[Long Hair Chatroom]: bla007 has entered at 9:35 pm

[shellymodel] 9:35 pm: hi bla

[pc] 9:35 pm: lol,,,cowboy hats? i'm a cowboy,,BUTT,,don't have the

[shellymodel] 9:35 pm: hehe

[surfer17] 9:35 pm: I think those bun would look good on you

[Long Hair Chatroom]: eric has left at 9:36 pm

[shellymodel] 9:36 pm: I will do the bun thing soon for you

[pc] 9:36 pm: bla,,,wa-zup?

[Long Hair Chatroom]: bla007 has left at 9:36 pm

[shellymodel] 9:36 pm: I guess they didn't like me

[surfer17] 9:37 pm: am I talking too much about buns ?

[pc] 9:37 pm: blablabla, r

[shellymodel] 9:37 pm: left so soon

[shellymodel] 9:37 pm: no not at all

[pc] 9:37 pm: a lot of people will pop in n out. why? dunno.

[Long Hair Chatroom]: mike_99_21 has entered at 9:37 pm

[shellymodel] 9:37 pm: hi mike

[pc] 9:38 pm: mike12, is that u?

[mike_99_21] 9:38 pm: hi shelly

[mike_99_21] 9:38 pm: nope i have always been mike_99_21

[shellymodel] 9:38 pm: the buns you will get tommorrow will have a butterfly in the mittle

[mike_99_21] 9:38 pm: shelly are u one of the models on this site

[pc] 9:38 pm: where ya frum, mike?

[mike_99_21] 9:38 pm: connecticut

[shellymodel] 9:38 pm: yes I'm a newbie

[mike_99_21] 9:39 pm: awesome shelly

[shellymodel] 9:39 pm: Have you not seen a photo?

[mike_99_21] 9:39 pm: i am just about to re join

[shellymodel] 9:39 pm: That's greattttt!

[Long Hair Chatroom]: xtra has entered at 9:39 pm

[mike_99_21] 9:39 pm: are u the one with the calf length reddish hair

[xtra] 9:40 pm: hi PC

[xtra] 9:40 pm: hi all

[xtra] 9:40 pm: never joined a chat here before

[shellymodel] 9:40 pm: Pc can you put back up that pic again

[pc] 9:40 pm: howdee, xxxtra. glad ur hair

[shellymodel] 9:40 pm: hi xtra

[xtra] 9:40 pm: LOL

[xtra] 9:40 pm: I havent had time to post much lately

[surfer17] 9:40 pm: what brand of camera do you think is best for video shoots ?

[xtra] 9:40 pm: just read

[mike_99_21] 9:41 pm: was i right shelly

[shellymodel] 9:41 pm: not really sure I just have a kodak easyshare

[shellymodel] 9:41 pm: yes thats me I think

[xtra] 9:41 pm: I would recommend a good sony as it so compatible with everything

[pc] 9:42 pm: xtra xtra, read all about it [at my forum, when this chat is over, if that's ok with


[xtra] 9:42 pm: ok

[xtra] 9:42 pm: i missed a lot did I

[shellymodel] 9:42 pm: If this starts to pay off for me, maybe I can buy a

[surfer17] 9:42 pm: are they exspensive ?

[pc] 9:42 pm: yes..ben hair for 1hour45min

[xtra] 9:43 pm: I bought a sony handi cam for 600 can

[shellymodel] 9:43 pm: I don't mind as long as you say nothing bad about me afterwards

[xtra] 9:43 pm: so about 550 us

[Long Hair Chatroom]: mike_99_21 has left at 9:43 pm

[xtra] 9:43 pm: but it uses hi 8 digital tapes i have to usb connect it to my comp

[pc] 9:43 pm: thank you, shelly...bad? never.

[xtra] 9:43 pm: hi shelley how are you

[Long Hair Chatroom]: eric has entered at 9:44 pm

[surfer17] 9:44 pm: I'll have to save up for 1

[shellymodel] 9:44 pm: I really hope evryone will come to love my hair as much as the others

[eric] 9:44 pm: hi xtra

[xtra] 9:44 pm: hi eric

[shellymodel] 9:44 pm: eric your back

[eric] 9:44 pm: ya

[surfer17] 9:45 pm: I do Shelly!

[xtra] 9:45 pm: long is beautiful shelley and you sound like a beautiful person anyways

[xtra] 9:45 pm:

[shellymodel] 9:45 pm: thank you surfer

[shellymodel] 9:46 pm: smiles to ya xtra

[eric] 9:46 pm: brb meds time

[surfer17] 9:46 pm: My pleasure !

[xtra] 9:46 pm: so how did you hook up with this site? had you done any hair modelling before?

[pc] 9:47 pm: repost: shelly, how do you feel,,,,,,,about streetshots, and being the 'victim'?

[shellymodel] 9:47 pm: street shots are fine with me

[pc] 9:47 pm: uno, a lot of us take streetshots

[xtra] 9:48 pm: have you done hair modelling before this shelly?

[shellymodel] 9:48 pm: I found out about a month ago...I'm a newbie to all of this

[xtra] 9:48 pm: oh ya

[xtra] 9:48 pm: have you had long hair your whole life

[xtra] 9:48 pm: or is it a newer thing too?

[xtra] 9:48 pm: i know its very long

[pc] 9:49 pm: i would think a girl would feel honored. i'm honored to take them [streets]

[shellymodel] 9:49 pm: So hopefully you all will bear with me for the photo's thing...I'll get better at it I'm


[pc] 9:49 pm: xtra,,2 streets frum the art fair, 2day

[xtra] 9:49 pm: ty

[shellymodel] 9:50 pm: I had long hair most of my and on though

[xtra] 9:50 pm: sorry personal (don't answer if you dont want): are you single, or is there a lucky guy with


[pc] 9:51 pm: why did you ever cut it and how did you feel, afterwards?

[shellymodel] 9:51 pm: I would feel long as it was done tastefully

[pc] 9:51 pm: gr8 answer, shelly. u rock...

[surfer17] 9:51 pm: How about putting a 1min sample vid on your website ?

[shellymodel] 9:52 pm: A Very lucky man, one 10yr boy and a

[shellymodel] 9:52 pm: girl

[xtra] 9:52 pm: nice

[pc] 9:52 pm: lol

[xtra] 9:52 pm: I have a baby girl as well

[shellymodel] 9:53 pm: how old?

[pc] 9:53 pm: ur all kids, 2me. i have 5 grandbabies

[xtra] 9:53 pm: one this friday

[Long Hair Chatroom]: mike_99_21 has entered at 9:53 pm

[shellymodel] 9:53 pm: as far as sample there should be one there tommorrow

[shellymodel] 9:54 pm: hi ya again mike

[xtra] 9:54 pm: brb

[mike_99_21] 9:54 pm: i love it when my computer crashes

[mike_99_21] 9:54 pm: lol

[pc] 9:54 pm: lol...mr2

[shellymodel] 9:54 pm: I see I see

[shellymodel] 9:54 pm: lol

[pc] 9:54 pm:

[pc] 9:55 pm: what happened, mike?

[mike_99_21] 9:55 pm: so shelly how long does it take to have your hair brushed out

[surfer17] 9:55 pm: Goody I can hardly wait !

[mike_99_21] 9:55 pm: i have an old computer

[shellymodel] 9:56 pm: xtra mines is 17 months this tuesday

[surfer17] 9:56 pm: join the club !

[shellymodel] 9:56 pm: don't you just hate old computers

[xtra] 9:57 pm: nice

[mike_99_21] 9:57 pm: yes i do

[xtra] 9:57 pm: lol my comp is ok

[mike_99_21] 9:57 pm: shelly does anyone ever help u brush your hair

[shellymodel] 9:57 pm: I have a somewhat new one

[shellymodel] 9:58 pm: I brush my hair on my own

[shellymodel] 9:58 pm: I'm very tender headed

[mike_99_21] 9:58 pm: oh ok

[pc] 9:58 pm: doesn't 'hubby' help you?

[mike_99_21] 9:58 pm: understand

[shellymodel] 9:58 pm: My husband helps me wash sometime

[surfer17] 9:59 pm: is long hair a lot of work to maintain ?

[pc] 9:59 pm: cool. i washed wifie's b4 this chat.

[mike_99_21] 9:59 pm: do u ever go to the salon

[shellymodel] 9:59 pm: I go pretty often , but just to have it washed only

[mike_99_21] 10:00 pm: how long is your wifes hair pc

[shellymodel] 10:00 pm: Long hair is very hard but you get use to it

[surfer17] 10:00 pm: how often do you have to wash it ?

[mike_99_21] 10:00 pm: cool

[mike_99_21] 10:01 pm: shelly does your salon put a cape over u

[shellymodel] 10:01 pm: I don't just have long hair though I have VERY LONG HAIR!!!!!

[surfer17] 10:01 pm: how long does it take to dry ?

[pc] 10:01 pm: quote of the day at PCs:

''Long hair is very hard but you get use to it'' [ty]

[shellymodel] 10:01 pm: yes if they don't I get soaked

[Long Hair Chatroom]: xtra has left at 10:02 pm

[Long Hair Chatroom]: mandy has entered at 10:02 pm

[mandy] 10:02 pm: Hey guys!!!

[mike_99_21] 10:02 pm: lol shelly

[mike_99_21] 10:02 pm: i bet

[shellymodel] 10:02 pm: hi mandy

[pc] 10:02 pm: howdeeeee, mandy...sleep in? lol

[mandy] 10:02 pm: Sorry I won't be able to stay long

[surfer17] 10:02 pm: Hello!

[mandy] 10:02 pm: Yeah I got to sleep in today..

[Long Hair Chatroom]: xtra has entered at 10:02 pm

[mike_99_21] 10:02 pm: do u have any pics of you under a cape shelly

[pc] 10:03 pm: how's ''baby''?????

[xtra] 10:03 pm: had some multiple window problems sorry

[shellymodel] 10:03 pm: no sorry

[xtra] 10:03 pm: hi mandy!

[mandy] 10:03 pm: but it's mothers day here and I have visitors so i am just popping in for a quick visit as

I promised I would!!

[shellymodel] 10:03 pm: When are you due mandy?

[mandy] 10:03 pm: Hi xtra!!

[pc] 10:03 pm: happy mother's day, u2

[shellymodel] 10:03 pm: and are you ahving a boy or girl?

[mike_99_21] 10:03 pm: oh thats ok shelly

[mike_99_21] 10:04 pm: are u planning on a shoots or videos of u at the salon

[shellymodel] 10:04 pm: Maybe I'll take some next time for ya

[surfer17] 10:04 pm: how long does your hair take to dry Shelly ?

[xtra] 10:04 pm: happy mothers day to all the mothers

[mandy] 10:05 pm: Baby is doing well and I am sooooooooooo over being pregnant!!!

[mike_99_21] 10:05 pm: thanks shelly

[shellymodel] 10:05 pm: FOREVER

[shellymodel] 10:05 pm: lol

[mandy] 10:05 pm: Due two weeks next tuesday/ Monday for many of you!

[xtra] 10:05 pm: lol

[pc] 10:05 pm: mandy, got 1 for you

u got one for me?

[mandy] 10:05 pm: Hey shelly!! So glad to finally meet up with you!

[shellymodel] 10:05 pm: well congrats ...this is your first right?

[mike_99_21] 10:06 pm: doe they comb out or brush it out before they wash it while it is dry

[mandy] 10:06 pm: Don't know what I am having... a healthy child is all I am wishing for the rest doesn't


[surfer17] 10:06 pm: even with a hair dryer ?

[shellymodel] 10:06 pm: they comb it

[shellymodel] 10:06 pm: I don't own one

[mandy] 10:06 pm: Wow great pic PC... did you catch all those yourself sweets??

[mike_99_21] 10:07 pm: awesome

[shellymodel] 10:07 pm: to much heat is very bad

[mandy] 10:07 pm: yeah Shell... first timmer!!

[pc] 10:07 pm: yup, a good day on the lake

[shellymodel] 10:07 pm: for the hair

[mike_99_21] 10:07 pm: are u seated with a cape over u when the comb it out dry shelly

[surfer17] 10:07 pm: I' m a slow typist Shelly

[mandy] 10:07 pm: is that with the dryer shelly??

[mandy] 10:07 pm: I never use em!

[eric] 10:07 pm: mandy what this week update?

[mandy] 10:08 pm: Looks like it PC! Well done! Any tips for a catch like that??

[shellymodel] 10:08 pm: yes I have no hair dryer

[shellymodel] 10:08 pm: no I don't use a cape mike

[surfer17] 10:08 pm: why no hair dryer ?

[mike_99_21] 10:09 pm: i am sorry for the confusion shelly

[mandy] 10:09 pm: I am not too sure on the next one yet as It will depend if I POP or not lol!! This weeks

updat though is another long and loose shoot for you all who LOVE it out! and you will see how pregger I

am! lol!

[pc] 10:09 pm: yes, mandy. yellow spinnerbait with a crawdead trailer. got it at master bait and

[eric] 10:09 pm: any cat pictures

[shellymodel] 10:10 pm: Mandy, I have a little girl... If you need any advise or anything special fr the baby

let me know

[mandy] 10:10 pm: I am guessing thats a luer??

[mike_99_21] 10:10 pm: i ment when u go to the salon and they comb it out before they wash it are u

seated with a cape over u

[mandy] 10:10 pm: No sozzy eric, not cat pics this week!

[pc] 10:10 pm: 1 more pic for mandy

[eric] 10:10 pm: soon?

[mandy] 10:10 pm: Oh thanks shelly! I appreciuate it! How old is your little one??

[mandy] 10:11 pm: WOW! Thats an awsome pic PC!

[shellymodel] 10:11 pm: mike yes they use a cape...

[mandy] 10:11 pm: you big hero you!!!!! MWAH!

[shellymodel] 10:11 pm: she will be 17 months this next week

[mandy] 10:12 pm: Oh still only a little bubba then! She your first too??

[pc] 10:12 pm: thanks,,i fight fire.

[pc] 10:12 pm: big, 700kb, house on fire pic

[surfer17] 10:12 pm: why no hair dryer Shelly, isn't it faster ?

[shellymodel] 10:12 pm: yes she is...I have a step son that is 10

[mike_99_21] 10:12 pm: does your hair fan out all around you and cover all of u the cape and the chair

[mandy] 10:13 pm: I know sweets but you look so brave in all that gear and the raging fire behind you!

[shellymodel] 10:13 pm: it frys the hair's very bad hair dryers are...

[mandy] 10:13 pm: G did the owners cry for that one PC... I am hurting for them just looking at that


[surfer17] 10:14 pm: Oh I didn't know that !

[pc] 10:14 pm: 1.2 million dollar house. burned to the ground...dam

[shellymodel] 10:14 pm: yes it goes to the floor in one of their chairs...

[mandy] 10:14 pm: Yep agree shelly, so why I never use one! It so kills my hair completely! I only ever let

MY hairdresser dry my hair on the rare occasion when I am doinga shoot for him!

[xtra] 10:14 pm: I watched that mine rescue from australia that was wild

[mike_99_21] 10:14 pm: wow would u take a pic of that

[xtra] 10:14 pm: not to undermine your honourable job PC

[shellymodel] 10:15 pm: I guess thats onther tip for you surfer no HEAT ON HAIR...

[mandy] 10:15 pm: Was it insured PC??? I hope so! How sad!!!! Did they find the cause??

[pc] 10:15 pm: mandy, if it's ok with you, [shelly said ''ok''] may i post this chat at my forum?

[eric] 10:16 pm: mandy

[pc] 10:16 pm: i think the guy burned it for the insurance money,,BUTT,,who knows....

[eric] 10:16 pm: i pray your baby wont be born like i was

[mandy] 10:16 pm: Of course you caqn sweets! No worries with me. Anything for you!

[pc] 10:17 pm: we had 2 firefighter's hurt, so, don't let me catch him

[shellymodel] 10:17 pm: if thats the case he4 maybe in jail now....

[mandy] 10:17 pm: Yeah its always a possibility isn't it.. Dam money making the world go round and

making people go mad!!!

[pc] 10:17 pm: i love my firefighters

[pc] 10:17 pm: i was one of 5 instructors in this class [graduation shot, last tuesday]

[pc] 10:18 pm: it was a 'basic' firefighting course. 5 months long

[eric] 10:18 pm: mandy u read what i wrote?

[mandy] 10:19 pm: Xtra that mine rescue was [retty dam big here and we lost a great reporter in the

process... ever hurd of RICHARD CARLTON... he has been all over the world reporting for us here for years

and he collapsed at thescene and died.. two days before they were out! So sad!!! There is a big tribute to

him tonight on TV as his last show on 60 minutes here in Australia! Should be something on it at or something like that??

[pc] 10:20 pm: i'll watch for that, mandy.

[mandy] 10:20 pm: Oh really PC, thats horrible!! I was watching Blue healers last night, one of my FAv

aussie shows here and there was a fire lighter on there last night, they finally convicted him after about 3

fires but he killed a baby girl in the process.

[mandy] 10:20 pm: is it true people, scuse the phrase, GET OFF on lighting fires???

[shellymodel] 10:20 pm: thats sad

[eric] 10:21 pm: mandy?

[pc] 10:21 pm: i'm an arson's hard to prove, most of the time, uno

[mandy] 10:21 pm: Yes Eric... but i am not getting upset today! Please stay positive and happy for all here

at chat today! Its Mothersday!!! (For me anyways he he!!)

[mandy] 10:21 pm: I thank you for your prayers all the time!! I mean it!!!

[pc] 10:22 pm: mandy, can you show/post us a pic?

[Long Hair Chatroom]: mike_99_21 has left at 10:22 pm

[pc] 10:22 pm: may i?

[mandy] 10:22 pm: Ahh.. I will have a squiz for ya!

[eric] 10:22 pm: kool aid for everyone

[shellymodel] 10:22 pm: lol

[mandy] 10:22 pm: yeah go for it PC

[eric] 10:22 pm: a toast

[pc] 10:23 pm: i love ''this look''

[shellymodel] 10:23 pm: surfer is your hair long or your wifes

[xtra] 10:23 pm: agreed pc thats a beautiful pic mandy

[eric] 10:23 pm: to baby mandy

[mandy] 10:23 pm: Thanks PC.. tere you go eric, thats a sample for this weeks update which should be

out today?? Yesterday???

[xtra] 10:24 pm: really shows your beautiful face

[eric] 10:24 pm: cheeers

[surfer17] 10:24 pm: neither !

[shellymodel] 10:24 pm: I also love that pic...

[xtra] 10:24 pm: i gotta go for a bit, may be back in a bit

[xtra] 10:24 pm: if not see you all lata

[shellymodel] 10:24 pm: seeya xtra

[mandy] 10:24 pm: Thanks PC and xtra! Glad you like!!!

[xtra] 10:24 pm: yw

[pc] 10:24 pm: mandy, this look, 2

[mandy] 10:24 pm: Thanks Shelly!!

[mandy] 10:25 pm: Thanks Eric!

[xtra] 10:25 pm: take care of yourselves, nice to chat with you beautiful ladies

[xtra] 10:25 pm: bye

[shellymodel] 10:25 pm: How do you get your shoots so clear ?

[pc] 10:25 pm: later, xxxtra

[mandy] 10:25 pm: Yeah thats so one of my FAV shoots!!!!

[shellymodel] 10:25 pm: thanks for coming xtra

[Long Hair Chatroom]: surfer17 has left at 10:25 pm

[eric] 10:25 pm: i love your barefeet in grass mandy

[mandy] 10:25 pm: bye byue xtra

[Long Hair Chatroom]: xtra has left at 10:26 pm

[eric] 10:26 pm: nite xtra

[Long Hair Chatroom]: surfer17 has entered at 10:26 pm

[eric] 10:26 pm: surfer is back

[mandy] 10:26 pm: Gotta go sorry guys!!! I have a house full of peopel and I have to get back to them!! I

am sooooo sorry its a short one for me today!

[shellymodel] 10:26 pm: mandy have any advise for my and this site?

[mandy] 10:26 pm: So great to catch up woth you Shelly!!!

[mandy] 10:27 pm: I am so glad your here with us at LHP!

[shellymodel] 10:27 pm: e-mail me some time ok

[mandy] 10:27 pm: "with"

[shellymodel] 10:27 pm: thanks

[eric] 10:27 pm: mandy be save

[mandy] 10:27 pm: I will for sure

[eric] 10:27 pm: email me

[mandy] 10:27 pm: Bye bye guys!!

[shellymodel] 10:28 pm: bye mandy

[mandy] 10:28 pm: Happy mothers day for tomozza Shelly!!!

[eric] 10:28 pm: mandy

[shellymodel] 10:28 pm: You too

[mandy] 10:28 pm: bye bye every one!!!

[eric] 10:28 pm: mandy

[shellymodel] 10:28 pm: Good luck on the baby

[mandy] 10:28 pm: Thanks for all coming to chat! Enjoy our new model Shelly!!!

[surfer17] 10:28 pm: bye bye !

[mandy] 10:28 pm: Thank you!!

[pc] 10:29 pm: mandy, a fishin pic of 'my girls'


[pc] 10:29 pm: mandy, u2 take care, now.

[Long Hair Chatroom]: asianhairlover has entered at 10:29 pm

[shellymodel] 10:29 pm: hello

[Long Hair Chatroom]: mandy has left at 10:30 pm

[asianhairlover] 10:30 pm: hello all

[surfer17] 10:30 pm: Hello

[pc] 10:30 pm: mandy is so cool. glad she stopped by

[asianhairlover] 10:30 pm: was mary here

[shellymodel] 10:30 pm: So I find myself all alone again....

[shellymodel] 10:31 pm: No she never showed

[asianhairlover] 10:31 pm: shelly how long is the hair these days?

[pc] 10:31 pm: lol...i new that was c u m i n...asianlhlover

[Long Hair Chatroom]: eric has left at 10:31 pm

[shellymodel] 10:31 pm: around 55 inches

[pc] 10:31 pm: no, mary didn't make it

[asianhairlover] 10:32 pm: How tall are you?

[shellymodel] 10:32 pm: Not tall at

[asianhairlover] 10:32 pm: the hair is gorgeous

[pc] 10:32 pm: 5ft2?

[surfer17] 10:32 pm: maybe you and mary could do a vid together

[asianhairlover] 10:33 pm: shelly has incredibly thick hair

[shellymodel] 10:33 pm: I'm afraid of heights so God made me close to the

[asianhairlover] 10:33 pm: amen

[pc] 10:33 pm: shelly, did you ever meet/talk2 petra?

[surfer17] 10:34 pm: LOL

[asianhairlover] 10:34 pm: is mary's hair floor length

[shellymodel] 10:34 pm: only once

[pc] 10:34 pm: she was the gr8est thing that ever happened to lhp.

[shellymodel] 10:34 pm: not sure how long hers is....Mine is so thick and very heavy

[surfer17] 10:35 pm: really ?

[shellymodel] 10:35 pm: Maybe I soon will be

[asianhairlover] 10:35 pm: must be very difficult to keep out of the way lol

[shellymodel] 10:35 pm: just kidding

[pc] 10:35 pm: she fould a lover and dumped's ok. she's very happy, now, finally.

[pc] 10:35 pm: she found a lover, i

[shellymodel] 10:36 pm: I don't know where mary lives

[asianhairlover] 10:36 pm: west coast i think

[shellymodel] 10:36 pm: so a video would be hard to do

[pc] 10:36 pm: mary's in southern california

[surfer17] 10:37 pm: too bad you and Mary would make agreat vid

[shellymodel] 10:37 pm: I've only been there once

[shellymodel] 10:37 pm: thanks she beautiful

[asianhairlover] 10:37 pm: mary's hair is on the floor isn't it

[shellymodel] 10:38 pm: not sure

[pc] 10:38 pm: mary allways wears her hair ^up^. shelly, do you?

[shellymodel] 10:39 pm: I wear in a bun, braid and down

[pc] 10:39 pm: hair's my, new, fav pic of mary


[asianhairlover] 10:39 pm: it would look great with waves

[pc] 10:41 pm: asianhairlover/surfer17,,do ya'll surf at ninja's lh forum?

[shellymodel] 10:41 pm: I hope everyone here like mine new photos tommorrow

[shellymodel] 10:41 pm: I do some

[pc] 10:41 pm:

[asianhairlover] 10:42 pm: and a high ponytail

[Long Hair Chatroom]: gizzy11 has entered at 10:42 pm

[shellymodel] 10:42 pm: hi gizzy

[pc] 10:42 pm: howdeeee, gizzy

[gizzy11] 10:42 pm: hi there im new

[pc] 10:43 pm: i love newbeez. where ya frum?

[asianhairlover] 10:43 pm: Leona has gorgeous hair

[shellymodel] 10:43 pm: my new pics are more of a basic shoot

[shellymodel] 10:43 pm: and Ther will be about 15 mins of video too

[surfer17] 10:43 pm: what hair product makes hair shiny and sleek shelly ?

[Long Hair Chatroom]: xtra has entered at 10:44 pm

[pc] 10:44 pm: agreed...leona's hair is the best eyez ever seen. shelly, your's is gr8, 2.

[shellymodel] 10:44 pm: I use only shampoo and conditioner...both by redken... However I want to try

Burt's bees

[shellymodel] 10:45 pm: thanks

[asianhairlover] 10:45 pm: it's like 64 inches long and full

[pc] 10:45 pm: try 'dove'. made wifie's hair softer and it smells gr8

[shellymodel] 10:45 pm: who has 64 inches

[surfer17] 10:45 pm: is that a bee's wax conditioner ?

[xtra] 10:45 pm: whos is 64 inches

[xtra] 10:45 pm: ?

[asianhairlover] 10:45 pm: leona

[pc] 10:46 pm: she used panteen, 4years

[xtra] 10:46 pm: i just got back

[shellymodel] 10:46 pm: can't use dove drys out the hair to bad..

[shellymodel] 10:46 pm: hi ya xtra

[xtra] 10:46 pm: hi

[xtra] 10:46 pm: i bought my wife long and strong by garnier

[pc] 10:46 pm: we were talking ''leona'', xtra.

[shellymodel] 10:47 pm: I used panteen with awhile but it did the same

[Long Hair Chatroom]: gizzy11 has left at 10:47 pm

[xtra] 10:47 pm: she doesnt mind that

[xtra] 10:47 pm: ok

[xtra] 10:47 pm: leona

[xtra] 10:47 pm: she has very long hair for sure

[asianhairlover] 10:47 pm: anya also

[pc] 10:47 pm: dove drys it out? hummmmmm. we'll try redkin

[xtra] 10:48 pm: I really like that Hazels hair too i hope she doesnt cut it

[shellymodel] 10:48 pm: It's not cheap But GREAT

[Long Hair Chatroom]: eric has entered at 10:48 pm

[pc] 10:48 pm: anya's hair is a texture eyez don't like. eyez like 'shine'

[pc] 10:49 pm: asian shine

[xtra] 10:49 pm: i love long silky hair

[shellymodel] 10:49 pm: sorry if I'm getting slow here ..I missed dinner so I'm eating now

[xtra] 10:49 pm: long loose and straight

[xtra] 10:49 pm: k

[pc] 10:49 pm: yes,,silky, like shelly's

[xtra] 10:49 pm: yes

[surfer17] 10:49 pm: and shiny !

[Long Hair Chatroom]: eric has left at 10:49 pm

[xtra] 10:49 pm: yes

[shellymodel] 10:49 pm: thanks to all

[asianhairlover] 10:49 pm: asian yes

[xtra] 10:49 pm: bye for now

[shellymodel] 10:50 pm: bye bye

[asianhairlover] 10:50 pm: soul train has 1 dancers with thigh length hair

[pc] 10:50 pm: lol...shelly, 1st time mandy came to a chat, we chatted for 5 hours

[xtra] 10:51 pm: i really liked that model too britta she never posts new photos

[shellymodel] 10:51 pm: don't know if I can stay that long

[xtra] 10:51 pm: her hair must be getting really long by now

[asianhairlover] 10:51 pm: any suzanne kalb sightings

[xtra] 10:51 pm: no

[xtra] 10:51 pm: her site hasnt been updated forever

[xtra] 10:51 pm: like years

[asianhairlover] 10:52 pm: what actually happened to petra

[xtra] 10:52 pm: what do you mean?

[pc] 10:52 pm: penny's site is pics from 4 years ago, 2, uno...

[surfer17] 10:52 pm: what about Diane Witt ?

[pc] 10:53 pm: petra fell in love. a good thang

[asianhairlover] 10:53 pm: penny has short hair now?

[shellymodel] 10:53 pm: I hope all of you give me my props for being the only one to be on here and stay

tonight ...It is Saturday and my husband is like how long do you have to do this

[asianhairlover] 10:53 pm: good for her

[xtra] 10:53 pm: diane witt must have cut her hair at some time, and daughter Alicia is an actress in

movies and tv

[pc] 10:53 pm: penny has waist long and beached/fried

[pc] 10:53 pm: bleached, i meen

[asianhairlover] 10:54 pm: does she have long hair models on her site

[asianhairlover] 10:55 pm: shelly how do you like being on lhp

[pc] 10:55 pm: asian lover, surf this,,later


[xtra] 10:55 pm: my fave asian right now is Hien Lee

[xtra] 10:55 pm: cant find enough of her

[xtra] 10:56 pm: i prob have lots

[asianhairlover] 10:56 pm: penny had long but very thin hair right?

[xtra] 10:56 pm: lol never enough

[asianhairlover] 10:56 pm: lena li what about her?

[xtra] 10:56 pm: saw some new pics last week

[pc] 10:56 pm: Hien Lee is frum vnlh. lots of her at PCs

[xtra] 10:56 pm: dont recall where

[xtra] 10:57 pm: yes

[asianhairlover] 10:57 pm: thu huyen vnl

[pc] 10:57 pm:

[shellymodel] 10:57 pm: I'm not asian , but maybe I can become a fav .... Do they have long hair or just


[xtra] 10:57 pm: I have all the stuff from pcs

[asianhairlover] 10:57 pm: her hair looks fabolous

[xtra] 10:57 pm: both

[xtra] 10:57 pm: shellyl: both

[xtra] 10:57 pm: lol

[xtra] 10:57 pm: I have been painstakingly surfing

[asianhairlover] 10:57 pm: shelly has great hair

[asianhairlover] 10:58 pm: like the volume

[xtra] 10:58 pm: it is soooo hard

[xtra] 10:58 pm: so many forums it seems infinite

[xtra] 10:58 pm: i dont understand chinese

[xtra] 10:58 pm: but there are ways to navigate by figuring the icons etc

[xtra] 10:59 pm: great forums though

[pc] 10:59 pm: yea, cool site, if you click around

[asianhairlover] 10:59 pm: is penny gonna grow long again

[xtra] 10:59 pm: ya Leos thread is all good

[surfer17] 10:59 pm: Shelly are you growing your hair longer ?

[pc] 10:59 pm: agreed

[shellymodel] 11:00 pm: At least for awhile.... then I may do a trim

[asianhairlover] 11:00 pm: going for the floor shelly

[pc] 11:00 pm: shelly, could you 'do' me,,,,,a shadow pic?

[shellymodel] 11:00 pm: I want to get at least to the floor

[xtra] 11:00 pm: whats your favourite way to wear your hair shelly?

[shellymodel] 11:01 pm: I can try for a shadow

[shellymodel] 11:01 pm: I like it down....

[surfer17] 11:01 pm: go for the record Shelly !

[pc] 11:01 pm: ez..1 light,,,1 wall

[xtra] 11:01 pm: whats your favourite to wear when its up

[shellymodel] 11:02 pm: I guess in a bun , but then put cute hair clips in it

[asianhairlover] 11:02 pm: I hope shelly goes beyond the floor

[xtra] 11:02 pm: nice

[surfer17] 11:02 pm: go for the record shelly ?

[xtra] 11:03 pm: you ever try fancy stuff like figure eight buns or things like that

[pc] 11:03 pm: ''cute hair clips'', no such thing, to a guy

[asianhairlover] 11:03 pm: do you trim often shelly

[shellymodel] 11:03 pm: lol back.. I think there cute well some make it sexy

[shellymodel] 11:04 pm: only trim maybe once a year if that

[xtra] 11:04 pm: they are

[pc] 11:04 pm: leona uses hair, eyez don't mind them

[xtra] 11:04 pm: there is nothing wrong with adorning beautiful tresses with jewelry etc

[shellymodel] 11:04 pm: I hfew but don't like them as muck as clips

[asianhairlover] 11:04 pm: high heels look great on long hair

[shellymodel] 11:05 pm: If onlty I could stand in

[xtra] 11:05 pm: do you ever try fancy updos like figure eight braid, etc?

[shellymodel] 11:06 pm: man I must be getting I can't

[pc] 11:06 pm: shelly,,mirrors r reflections r cool


[xtra] 11:06 pm:

[shellymodel] 11:06 pm: no not really not sure how to do them

[xtra] 11:06 pm: oh ya

[shellymodel] 11:06 pm: but I'll try to figure it out for ya

[xtra] 11:06 pm: a lot of us love updos

[xtra] 11:07 pm: especially seeing them put together and then undone

[surfer17] 11:07 pm: i do too !

[shellymodel] 11:07 pm: I will remember that and try it

[xtra] 11:08 pm: i gotta go i think

[asianhairlover] 11:08 pm: vnl has some great unique hairstyles

[pc] 11:08 pm: has to be undone, in the end,,r it's not lh

[shellymodel] 11:08 pm: How many of you have seen all my photo's...just wondering...

[xtra] 11:08 pm: i have

[asianhairlover] 11:08 pm: I have a few

[asianhairlover] 11:09 pm: what part of the country are you from shelly?

[surfer17] 11:09 pm: how many photo s are on the website ?

[shellymodel] 11:09 pm: I took over 200 photo's and did 3 small video last night so ... keep checking

[shellymodel] 11:10 pm: Not sure surfer

[pc] 11:10 pm: my point is: my mother-inlaw keeps 'combhair' and makes a bun out of it. not cool.

[pc] 11:10 pm:

[pc] 11:10 pm: lol

[xtra] 11:11 pm: whats combhair

[xtra] 11:11 pm: lol

[shellymodel] 11:11 pm: I'm from Arkansas but now live upper mid US

[surfer17] 11:11 pm: I'll check the website

[pc] 11:11 pm: ino....gross

[asianhairlover] 11:11 pm: did you have any longhair influences growing up?

[shellymodel] 11:12 pm: Me now not really just didn't like my hair short...

[shellymodel] 11:12 pm: My dad wanted it long

[asianhairlover] 11:12 pm: crystal gayle

[asianhairlover] 11:12 pm: dad why?

[shellymodel] 11:12 pm: my mom hated my hair long

[shellymodel] 11:12 pm: yes she has beautiful hair

[pc] 11:13 pm: your dad is a real/wise man

[surfer17] 11:13 pm: I like seeing extra longhair combed out

[shellymodel] 11:13 pm: dad likes long hair...

[xtra] 11:13 pm: me too

[xtra] 11:13 pm: xtra is

[asianhairlover] 11:13 pm: was your hair