
by steve Website:

I realise that not all of you want to see long hair cut off, but there are some hair fetishists who do.

I have been taking pictures of a 19 yr old chinese ballet dancer for over 18 months her hair has grown from just above her butt to an inch or two below it.

Last week she asked me to cut it for her as it was getting too heavy for her when she dances. I did the cut yesterday and took some photos and some video footage. I have posted the photos on my yahoo group

I have also posted some hairjob pics at one of my other groups, which you may have seen

I hope i dont offend anyone who doesnt like to see haircutting but that is why i haven.t posted pics on here.

I am having probs uploading my video clips so if anyone can help I would appreciate it.

steve, hairfetishuk,