Why/How/When Long Haired Women love it.

by Vancouver Guy

Hi there,

I love you all but I think you're missing the point...

When is it ok to reach out and touch anyones hair? That is a better question.

You can know a woman with beautiful hair for years, but if she doesn't like you or you are creepy, then she will NEVER enjoy your touch.

The MOMENT that a woman feels comfortable with you, smiles in your presence and has no fear or doubt about you in her heart is the MOMENT that she will welcome your touch, and enjoy your company.

It doesn't matter if the woman has known you for 5 years or 5 seconds... If she likes you, she'll welcome your touch. If she doesn't have a good feeling about you, she won't welcome your touch.

That my wonderful LONG HAIR LOVING comrades is the secret.

Everytime (almost without exception) that I go out in public, I end up caressing some new woman's long hair.

Try these 6 steps. Never mind touching a woman's beautiful thick straight healthy shiny (oh god) slippery mane... Everything else will come into your grasp as well

#1) Know yourself

#2) Love yourself

#3) Be confident

#4) Be compassionate

#5) Be funny (semi-optional)

#6) SMILE!!! (everyone is beautiful with a smile)

Then, simply tell her that she has BEAUTIFUL HAIR! "Is that the longest you've had it? That's amazing Wow... Can I feel it?" After you have those 6 things down and you've said that, I can play with her hair and he smiles and loves it. I've done that hundreds of times and have only had 5 or so women reject me. There is always extremes. There have also been about 5 or so women that say... "Oh my gawd! I love that, I would PAY you to do that, it feels so good!"

One woman I met She has Straight dizzyingly thick soft straight hair past her ass.

Wanna Know her fantasy?

"To have a sherpa boy that will take care of her long hair for her... wash it, brush it, caress it" I see her regularly OMG

Another women I met told me after about 5 minutes of talking:

"I like to masturbate with my hair and my ultimate fantasy is to have a man that would do me doggie style with my hair down my back and stuffed up my pussy"...

Sorry to say, I think she freaked herself out by telling someone that, and I never saw her again!

Anyways... Just be cool and nice and TALK to women, they love to talk And if you start talking to lots of women you a) get lots of practice and learn what works b) get to touch lots of woman's long hair and finally c) you will joyfully discover that there are some women with beautiful long hair with a fetish for receiving EVERYTHING that your PERVERTED Long Hair Fetish mind DESIRES.

God I love this game.

Sincerely and much love,

Vancouver Guy


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