Can you tell why do you have a hair feti

by bug

Hello,everybody.I am new here.I do love women's long hair. I think I love long hair because of my mother's beautiful long braid.

My mother grew her hair past her butt when I was about 10.Every morning she braided her hair and

roll her braid into a round bun and fixed the bun with a hairnet.Watching my mom handling her hair

was my "homework" every day. Every night, after my mom let her hair down ,she allowed me to comb it

for her and play her long hair. I liked touching her soft hair very much. After I entered the middle

school she cut her hair short and never grow long because short hair was popular at that time.

I just wonder does anyone who love long hair here just because his mom had long hair.Sorry for my

bad english.I hope you can understand me .