Re: Just a quick question

by no

"Hi No,

Sorry this thread has upset you so much. I am wondering why you even went to this forum in the first place. It's obvious that it is "mostly" for men who have a "hair" obsession and the women who contribute are aware of that...

If you are participating in the site then you are obviously looking at the same pictures we (men) are looking at for some reason. I personally don't like some of the "links" that go to hard or kiddie porn and that's one of the few things I dislike about the site. I wish it was more hair and less hardcore many times.

Good luck with your obvious problems.. I really believe that you need to be a little more understanding of the male pysche and learn to enjoy yourself a little more. My good thoughts are with you.


I said in the beginning how I found this site, my husband had typed it in. Plus finding the many other sites he was on. I don't know how he got to this one , not having a hair fetish and all, maybe he typed in Kinky in google I do not know. I only took a look around to see what HE was looking at, not to satisfy any perversity I have. I didn't look everywhere in here, didn't have too, I saw what I needed too.

I don't accept what Anya or anyone else have said, they kind of go around the questions that I ask. So I am out of here, you won't see me again. Understanding of the male phsche? No way, because they are not understanding of what I have been trying to relay here for me and other women like me. I am not going to have to worry about anything anymore anyway. So good bye , sorry I messed around here too long and upset everyones thoughts.

P.S. Good for you on wishing it was more about hair and less about hardcore and kiddie stuff. And thank you , you are the only man here, who seems to have any heart at all about what is going on with me. The others just cared about getting their rocks off.