
by cecil

A few times I have approached a woman with long hair in the mall by saying - It is so nice to see a woman with well kept hair. What do you use Paul Mitchell products? They usually say suave or pantene. I tell them that I am a hairdresser and just go for it reaching out for her hair and watching her reaction as I take it in my hand. If they look like I am invading their space I just glance it, but if they are undaunted I take it full in my hand and gently grab it and let it go a time or two. I compliment them again and say - you gotta love a long haired woman. Just b4 the holidays I got to talking with a gal that had the most amazingly long and thickest chestnut hair. We went to starbucks and had coffee. She told me she had just let it grow out again after having donated her hair to a charity group. I told her about a couple of treatments I read about and got to cop a feel a few more times. I told her I was from Chicago and didn't work in a parlour yet, but when I got a gig I could let her kow. She gave me her card, but I never called bc I am not really a hairdresser - only a long hair admirer.