Re: Topic: Hair Fetish Secret or Not

by Rick Nickademous

Wow, let me just ponder on all that has been read...

OK hopefully I don't offend or un-nerve, don't want to do that by NO!! means. There's a lot of great points, experiences, stories that everyone has written about. I truly feel for a lot of you because you want to tell your significant other about your love, fetish, or fixation for long hair but because you may know where they stand on it or just their mind set. Like I've said before I've discussed it plenty of times but just the way that I approached it was different. I'll ask a woman that I've just met and getting to know or one that I've known for long time a series of questions which I guess you can say is beating around the bush but hey you gotta do what you gotta do, anyway's I'll get a topic going about different things and what her feeling is on them, like for instance I ask what do you think about people who have thing for tattoo's or people who dress up like the opposite sex, you know something to get the snowball rolling, then of course I'll throw my opinion out there, then usually get right into it by then asking what do U think about people who have fixations or fetishes of different items in life i.e.: food, high heels, smells/scents, or even powerful people. Then of course a woman will ask where is this going or what brought all this on or something to that effect, usually I'll say I seen something today that kinda got my mind wondering or you overheard a few people discussing it. Then I'll keep going into it but then asking about what do you think about feet fetishes, hands, legs, and/or lips then I'll say hair or long hair just to see what they say but I always make sure never to stay too long on the subject because I don't want to blow my cover UNLESS, she's all about it or gives some kinda of indication that it's cool.

Some will tell you that its ok or normal to have that fetish/fixation/love(FFL) then I've had some give me that look like Straight Face or Shocked or the Sad , and because a lot of them don't really know that you like it like you really really do will begin to express their TRUE opinion about it all whether it be feet, hair, hands, scent, etc. I've heard everything, "that's stupid, WHAT that's crazy, eeewwww why, that's perverted, people are freakin' weirdo's, that's gross... or I'd smack somebody if that's all they like about me or I'd leave somebody like that alone", so now your stuck with this dilemma or pain of keeping it to yourself because now you don't want to LOSE or SCARE the person away because of all the work you've put into it, nor is it just ONLY their hair that you like about them.

For those of you who have significant others who are cool, understanding, agree that there is nothing wrong with it because you've either discussed it or she just don't mind as long as your not going out and indulging on your fetish with other women I applaud you on it anddddddd for those who cant I wish I had the words, phrase, directional video, or book to show your significant other to better HELP her understand.

Everyone has something that sets them off in a good way, MEN & WOMEN, but in this case a woman may never tell you and then again she might but what im getting at is what we all have(us men) is normal, NO there is no chemical imbalance, or youre a strange person you like to view, fantasize, or just be fascinated about your FFL. Check this, I dated a woman once who had a leg fetish, it was actually the cav muscle, she would absolutely bonkers about them, so would get sooooo wet, she was even like us she had found a few sites about it and even had a folder with pictures of mens legs but I didnt pitch a fit, true she liked me but she really loved my cavs and was one of the reasons why she talked to me, but I didnt let it bother me nor effect our relationship, and i've dated woman with different FFL's like shoulders, cavs, lips, or bald heads, but I understand their passion and it never bothered me once.

I guess I'm super understanding person, I am, that's just me. Good Luck fellaz. Once again gooood damn topic. Love to hear what the Longhair Queens and Goddesses have to say about all this.