Re: Re: Re: Topic: Hair Fetish Secret or

by UrbanHermit

Hey. doonit, I know just how you feel. I had vague feelings of shame about my long hair "thing" until the internet opened my eyes to how many other blokes like me there are out there. I've felt a lot better about it since, but I still can't be totally frank with my wife about it.

Perhaps I should say how I got to the "uneasy truce" with her I mentioned earler, in case some of you find the technique useful. She said: "If you loved me you wouldn't be looking at all those pictures of long haired women, to which I replied: "Okay then, if YOU loved ME you wouldn't have all those pictures of Justin Hayward." (of the Moody Blues - shows our age, don't it?)

"Oh, but that's different. That's got nothing to do with how I feel about you."

"Well, so is this. It's exactly the same thing. Nothing to do with how I feel about you."

That made her think.

I'm totally with you on the biological programming thing. Women like our friend "no," who can't accept this, are only on the way to making themselves and their partners miserable.

On the other hand, the comment comparing long hair to a work of art isn't entirely valid. Sure I get an aesthetic pleasure out of long hair, but it turns me on as well. A beautiful painting, or whatever, don't do that!

While I'm at it, I'd like to give an example from my own life to illustrate what I said in an earlier post on this thread about separate compartments in a man's attitude to women. The most extraordinary lady I ever had the privilege of meeting had hair that was almost the opposite of what I like - a rumpled shaggy blonde mop to her shoulders, whereas I love it dark, straight, silky and very long. But that didn't stop me from falling in love with her at first sight, the only time in my life that has ever happened.

By the way, and off-topic - Clifton Chenier? Rock on, man!!