Re: Topic: Hair Fetish Secret or Not

by UrbanHermit

Congtrats, doonit, one of the most interesting topics I've seen raised here.

El Zoef, in a perfect world yes, we'd all be on the level with our partners about everything, but we're not all lucky enough to have partners who are secure and laidback enough to handle this sort of thing. (See my reply to no's post.)

My wife knows I go looking for long hair on the net, but she's not very happy about it. When she first found out she blew up (yes, like Vesuvius), but after some of what the politicians call "full and frank discussion" she calmed down a little. I tried to explain that what I do is an accessory rather than a replacement, and I think some of it got through.

Alas, she doesn't have long hair (though it was longer when I met her), otherwise I'd probably do a bit less of this. But she thinks she's too old for long hair, and I have a compulsive thing for it that's a part of me as much as the shape of my nose or the colour of my eyes (I've had it ever since I can remember) and I can't change now.

So we're in a state of uneasy truce on this. I think it would end, though, if she ever found out how much stuff I've got stashed on my hard drive, hidden in a maze of innocuously titled sub-folders. Thank God we use separate computers....